initial timing experiment

Phy 121

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your brief discussion/description/explanation:

Book used: Sixth Edition Physics Giancoli

Supported by 3 equal size dominos

Object used for roll 6.4 cm diameter hairspray lid

Object Rolled smoothly


In the space indicated below report your data. State exactly what was measured, how it was measured, how accurately you believe it was measured and of

course what the measurements were. Try to organize your report so the reader can easily scan your data and identify any patterns or trends.

your brief discussion/description/explanation:

Propped End Open End Spine

Propped height 4.4cm 5.1cm

Start Time 16.344 224.797

End Time 17.938 225.859

Difference 1,594 1.063


from book 5.1cm 4.4cm

Length of book 22.1cm


Using your data determine how fast the object was moving, on the average, as it rolled down the incline. Estimate how accurately you believe you were able

to determine the object's average speed, and give the best reasons you can for your estimate of the accuracy.

your brief discussion/description/explanation:

Open end propped 3.199498118cm/s

Spine 4.139228598 cm/s

I believe I Was acurate within .01 cm/s.

My reason for using this is that was close to the accuracy differece for my mesurments.


Devise and conduct an experiment to determine whether or not the object is speeding up as it rolls down the incline. If you have set the experiment up as

indicated, it should seem pretty obvious that the object is in fact speeding up. But figure out a way to use actual measurements to support your belief.

Explain how you designed and conducted your experiment, give your data and explain how your data support your conclusions.

your brief discussion/description/explanation:

The experiment I devised was a increasing slope seeing the time differec for each.


Slope 1 1.719

Slope 2 .703

Slope 3 .625


Your instructor is trying to gauge the typical time spent by students on these experiments. Please answer the following question as accurately as you can,

understanding that your answer will be used only for the stated purpose and has no bearing on your grades:

Approximately how long did it take you to complete this experiment?

1hr 30min


You may also include optional comments and/or questions.


Please copy your document into the box below and submit.

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