mth 151
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Mr. Smith,
I just wanted to let you know that I plan on started my tests this week. I am going to go and take my first test tomorrow as soon as I get off work. I will probably try to take at least 2 or 3 tests this week to get myself caught up. I also wanted to ask you just to make sure I was correct on this. If I chose I can just do the tests and don't have to do any of the assignments. SInce I have already taken this course once everything is just a redo for me and I remember most all of it. I seen where you had said that some students chose to just take the tests since that is the majority of our grade. I just wanted to make sure this was correct and it wouldn't be counted against me if I just took the tests and only done that. If you would just email me back and let me know.
If you can do well on the test without submitting the queries, qa, etc. there is no penalty for not submitting those documents.
However note that, consistent with the syllabus, you do need to pass the lab in order to pass the course, and the lab average is weighted as indicated in the syllabus.