ball down ramp

Your work on the ball down ramp experiment has been received. We will look at your data later in the context of the entire group's data on this experiment.

The time required to roll down the ramp of the steepest will have the shortest time.

I would expect that the least being not very steep and the greatest being very steep I would expect the times to be decreasing.































Yes, my hypothesis was found to be accurate. The more dominos that were added the faster the ball went down the track. When the slope was increased you can see that the intervals went down. With domino the interval was around 1.2 seconds, with two dominions the interval was around 0.9 seconds, and with the three dominos the interval was around 0.6 seconds.

The average velocity of the ball is related to the slope. Average velocity is displacement divided by time elapsed. The displacement for each trail was the same but the time elapsed was not. The time depended on the slope. When the slope was greater the shorter the time so then the average velocity was larger and when the slope was less the time was longer and the average velocity was shorter.

The average velocity on the ramp changes with the slope because of gravity. Gravity is pulling on the ball at all times and is pulling more when it is farther from the surface. So when the slope was high there was more gravity acting on it which made the ball move faster to get back to the surface.

You could verify these speculation to make sure they are valid by doing the experiment again. You could keep adding dominoes and see if the information correlates with what you have already found. Also, by have other people do the same tests and looking at what they concluded.