course phy 201
12:02:10 For small slopes does the corresponding acceleration seem to change by an amount that is proportional to the change in slope?
RESPONSE --> Yes, as the slope increased the acceleration also increased. It did not increase considerable in the beginning but as you add more washers the faster the car went down the slope which means that it was accelerating more.
12:02:21 ** For small slopes, the data indicate that the change in acceleration would be nearly proportional to change in slope. **
RESPONSE --> right
12:02:49 Do we expect the small-slope behavior of acceleration vs. slope to continue when the slope becomes large?
RESPONSE --> No, as the slope becomes larger the acceleration will speed up.
12:04:33 ** Large slope means slope of large magnitude. For the accel vs. ramp slope experiment the slopes were all small, less than .1. The small-slope behavior appears to be linear, in the sense that acceleration appears to be proportional to ramp slope. As the ramp approaches vertical the slope approaches infinity, while acceleration approaches simply the acceleration of gravity. If the graph was linear then as slope approaches infinity we would have acceleration approaching infinity. We conclude that the linear acceleration vs. slope relationship will not continue. ** As we approach vertical slope approaches infinity, but acceleration simply approaches the acceleration of gravity. So the graph has to start leveling off at some point. **
RESPONSE --> right, if the slope kept increasing then it would soon be verticle and then the car wouldn'tt roll down the slope it would just fall.