timer program

fn 8

fn 9 It shows how many times you clicked, the continuous clock for each click and then how long between each click. fn 10 1 507.1563 507.1563 2 507.3359 .1796875 3 507.5078 .171875 4 507.6875 .1796875 5 507.8672 .1796875 6 508.0469 .1796875 7 508.2109 .1640625 8 508.375 .1640625 9 508.5703 .1953125 10 508.7344 .1640625 11 508.9063 .171875 12 509.0859 .1796875 13 509.2422 .15625 14 509.4219 .1796875 15 509.5859 .1640625 16 509.7656 .1796875 17 509.9375 .171875 18 510.1172 .1796875 19 510.3125 .1953125 20 510.4922 .1796875 21 510.6797 .1875 22 510.8672 .1875 23 511.0625 .1953125 fn 11 You can take the running total from the end and subtract it from the running time at the top. Once you have that answer you divide by 23. (511.0625-507.1563)/23 = 0.169835 fn 12 .1796875, 9

.171875, 3

.1640625, 4

.1953125, 3 .15625, 1 .1875, 2

fn 13

fn 14 The program is not useless. It gives a relatively close time to what it actually is. The program is done by clicking a button, which then has to send a signal which take a little bit of time which can cause the times to be repeated. fn 15 The difference in the numbers is not very large at all. It is pretty much random in that it took less or more time to click on the button. The timer program is consistent because the difference between each interval different but not by a large amount. fn 16 7.054688











fn 17

fn 18 When you breath the fluctuate. When you are just repetitively clicking it is easier to be more consistent. fn 19 The TIMER program is capable of determining the time between two events accurately to within about .0001 second. I think this because the numbers go to the ten thousandth place which means that the last number is rounded. fn 20 regular breaths time at beginning of inhalation event number clock time time interval 1 32.72656 32.72656 2 41.14844 8.421875 3 47.22656 6.078125