
course phy 201

hi, I am trying to take the test but you didn't reply to my last one so here is another I am going to take the test on Friday March 31 at Central Virginia Community collegeMonday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Here is a message I received this morning and my reply.

Note that once a center is approved, you need to contact them directly and tell them what test you are taking. I don't need to be involved in the process at all, once the testing situation is approved. Not that I would mind doing so--it only takes me a minute to share the necessary information--but if I serve as intermediary it often adds days to the process, is less convenient for the student and for the testing center, and is more prone to errors in communication.

Thank your for your previous e-mail. As a test proctor, however, I need to know which physics course Rebecca Canada is enrolled in so that I can print the appropriate tests to use when Rebecca arrives to test.

Thanks! Debbie

Deborah H. Edwards Administrative & Program Specialist II, Distance Education & Off-Campus Services 412 Roanoke Street Christiansburg, VA 24073 540/674/3600, ext. 4222

Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Sunday 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM For more information, call 434.832.7827, or contact the Testing Center Coordinator, Joy Adams by phone 434.832.7668 or email


Thanks for the note. I don't in the least mind answering, but I'm sorry you had to take the time to send this message. Students are supposed to have proctors approved well in advance of testing, and after the testing situation is approved they are instructed to contact them directly in advance of taking tests, which seems to be the procedure that works best for testing centers. I'll review my instructions to students to be sure this point is clear to them.

In any case the tests are for Physics 201. I believe Rebecca has completed the Major Quiz and will want to take Test #1.

Thanks very much for helping out here. Rebecca is a good student, and I'm sure she also appreciates your assistance.

David A. Smith Associate Professor, Mathematics/Physics VHCC