course Mth 174 ǩx܄ᷭzassignment #019
10:26:25 Query problem 11.5.8 (3d edition 11.5.12) $1000 at rate r
RESPONSE --> dM/dt = .05M M = M(sub0) e^(.05t) M = 1000 e^(.05)(2000) M = 1000 e^ 100 M =2.689 * 10^46
10:26:37 what differential equation is satisfied by the amount of money in the account at time t since the original investment?
RESPONSE --> dM/dt = .05M M = M(sub0) e^(.05t) M = 1000 e^(.05)(2000)
10:26:44 What is the solution to the equation?
RESPONSE --> M =2.689 * 10^46
10:31:02 Describe your sketches of the solution for interest rates of 5% and 10%.
RESPONSE --> My graph has time as the x-axis and amount in dollars as the y-axis. Both lines begin at (0, 1000) and the one representing 10% interest is decreasing at a slower rate than the one at 5%
10:32:06 Does the doubled interest rate imply twice the increase in principle?
RESPONSE --> The doubled interest rate means that the rate of compounding money will decrease more slowley than the lower rate.
10:57:40 Query problem 11.5.22 (3d edition 11.5.20) At 1 pm power goes out with house at 68 F. At 10 pm outside temperature is 10 F and inside it's 57 F. {}{}Give the differential equation you would solve to obtain temperature as a function of time.{}{}Solve the equation to find the temperature at 7 am.
RESPONSE --> Instead of T I used H so that t would be time. dH/dt = -k(H- 10) dH/ (H - 10) = -k dt after integrating both sides I got ln(H - 10) = -kt dt H- 10 = e^-kt e^c H - 10 = Be^-(kt) Then I found B 68 - 10 = Be^-k(0) = B B = 58 H - 10 = 58e^-(kt) Since it is 57degrees F at 10:00 p.m.: t = 10 - 1 = 9 hours 57 - 10 = 58e^(-k(9)) ln(47/58) = -9k -.21 = -9k k = .02 So the new equation is: H - 10 = 58e^(-.02 * t) At 7 am t= 1pm - 10 pm the next day = 18 hours H - 10 = 58e^(-.02 * 18) H - 10 = 40 H = 50 degrees F at 7 am the next morning
10:58:44 What assumption did you make about outside temperature, and how would your prediction of the 7 am temperature change if you refined your assumption?
RESPONSE --> I made the assumption that the outside temperature was constant 10 degrees F without fluctuation. If I assumed that the temp. got colder in the night I would assume that the temperature in the house at 7am would be colder than what I found.
Query problem 11.6.25 (3d edition 11.6.20) F = m g R^2 / (R + h)^2. Find the differential equation for dv/dt and show that the Chain Rule dv/dt = dv/dh * dh/dt gives you v dv/dh = -gR^2/(R+h)^2. Solve the differential equation, and use your solution to find escape velocity. Give your solution.
RESPONSE --> This problem was very confusing for me. I wasn't sure where to start. I tried taking the equation and integrating both sides but I could never find the answer.