course Mth 174 šîë ÎωτžÌÁ¶œÉ¸‚Ø…ç£îYÞassignment #016
18:45:53 Query problem 10.5.12 (3d edition 10.5.12) (was 9.5.12) period 1 fn defined by f(x) = x if 0 < x < 1
RESPONSE --> I used x = bt/2pi for b = 2 so x = t/pi f(x) = 0 for -pi < x < 0 f(x) = 1 for 0 < x < pi x = t/pi so t = pix I used the Fourier polynomial fr the square wave function: F(x) =1/2 + 2/pi sin(t) + 2/3pi sin(3t) + 2/5pi sin(5t) I then substituted t = pi x F(x) =1/2 + 2/pi sin(pi x) + 2/3pi sin(3pi x) + 2/5pi sin(5pi x)
18:46:06 what is the fourth degree Fourier polynomial?
RESPONSE --> F(x) =1/2 + 2/pi sin(pi x) + 2/3pi sin(3pi x) + 2/5pi sin(5pi x)
18:47:05 Describe the graph of this polynomial on [0,1).
RESPONSE --> The graph is a square wave that reaches f(x) = 1 and f(x) = 0
18:47:41 What substitution did you use to compensate for the fact that the period of the function is not 2 `pi?
RESPONSE --> x = bt/ 2pi= t/pi
19:06:30 Query problem 10.5.24 (3d edition 10.5.24) (was 9.5.24) integral of cos^2(mx) from -`pi to `pi is `pi
RESPONSE --> When I integrated I got 0 instead of pi for an answer and am not sure where I went wrong. This is what I did: integral from pi to -pi cos^2(mx)dx u = mx du=m at x = pi, u =m* pi at x = -pi, u = -m* pi 1/m integral from m*pi to -m*pi cos^2x dx = 1/m * 1/2cosxsinx + 3/2sinx from m*pi to -m * pi =1/m * 1/2cos(m*pi) sin(m*pi) + 3/2sin(m*pi) - 1/m * 1/2cos(-m*pi)sin(-m*pi) + 3/2sin(-m*pi) I wasn't sure what to do from here
19:06:54 which formula from the table did you used to establish your result and what substitution did you use?
RESPONSE --> I used formula Iv-18
19:09:08 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> I had a hard time understanding example 3 in the book (page 507 4th edition) where it talks about the energy theorem. I don't understand exactly what Asub0 means and why A^2 sub 0 = 2a^2sub0 = 1/2, etc. I also did not understand the graph made from these expressions and what it means.