Your 'cq_1_00.1' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Upon first watching the videos, it looks like the tape and the pendulum are moving at the same speed, but after
pausing it several times, something different is happening. It looks as if the tape and the pendulum accelerate
at the same rate, but the tape speed increases, and the pendulum seems seems to slow down a bit as it
makes its upward swing.
Clocktimes and positions will only be accurate if they can be fully viewed. The tape measure is very hard to
see any type of measurement smaller than an inch, but even that is just guessing, and the clock is good, but is
sometimes obscured or out of the frame on depending on when you pause it.
You can just stop the tape every now and then and if you stop it just right, there is a point where you can see
that the tape has moved past the pendulum. So compared to the pendulum, it seemed to be moving faster,
but I don't think I can get an actual value due without better clarity on the tape measure to see exactly how
far the tape moves within a certain time frame.
As far as the pendulum, I just sort of looked at how the tape went past it, but then upon pausing the video a
few times, I observed what looked to sort of be an upward arc to the pendulum, and it was at that point when
the tape went past the pendulum, so I think the pedulum was slowing down while the tape was accelerating.
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25 minutes
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You need to insert your answers into a copy of the question. Otherwise when you refer to this document later, you won't remember what was being asked, and that might also be the case if I pose additional questions in my response.
Your description of the motion is good, but you haven't addressed how you would use a series of observations of position vs. clock time to answer these questions.
This is an important question. Please go to the Submit Work Form and submit a copy of my response and your best answer.