Your 'cq_1_01.2' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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I think it depends on how long or short the interval is between the 2 events, as the time while seemingly fast, in the initial timer experiment, it seemed like it was not good at telling fractions of a second accurately, but I am not sure if this is the timer itself or the interface (the mouse) being used to iniate the timer that is a bit slow, or a combination of both.
I think perhaps half a second is the shortest time it can record accurately as once again, in previous labs, it seemed to put out many of the same readings when used in a manner that was trying to time intervals that were much less than half a second.
It seems as if the percentage of error increases as the interval decreases, which may be due to how the timer either rounds up or down its numbers or it has to rush to interpret the input so soon after something is output.
Not as good as I had hoped, because I am sure there was bit if delay from when I realized it was time to hit the time and when I hit the timer. I mean probably fractions of a second, but enough to make things not as syncrhonized as they probably should have been.
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Very good work. Let me know if you have questions.