question form


Mth 158

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MathXL and due dates

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My first question is concerning the assignments due this week. Are week 3 and 4 assignments due this week or just week 3?

My second question is concerning the mathxl website. I have been using the homework sections, and just now, when I went to the site, it no longer lists my class as College Algebra 158, but as Sullivan College Algebra 9e. It no longer offers any work for me to do unless I go to the tests or study plan. Is this how it's supposed to be? I am confused.

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You only need to submit Week 3 assignments this week.

You don't say what Math XL sections are not showing, but I do notice that only sections through R2 are showing on the first page. At the bottom of that page it says 'Assignments 1-20'. You need to click in the indicated place to see subsequent assignments.

Note that Math XL assignments are numbered, but the numbering does not match the number of assignments for your course. Ignore the Math XL numbering as use the Math XL assignments that match the assigned text sections.


question form


Mth 158

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First Test

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When does the first test become active? And by what date should it be completed? I've been looking for specific dates, but I can't seem to find any, other than the due dates, which only list week to week, and don't specify the final day the test will be accepted.


The course timetable is set up by tests. Having completed Assignments 1-5 you will have completed the material corresponding to the first test, which will be over Chapter R.

You should complete that test within about a week of having completed the corresponding assignments.
