question form


mth 163

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Test Question

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I sent an email regarding this as well but I wanted to submit it this way to ensure you received it. I had a quick question about the test policy. On the assignments list, we have a test listed for week 3 which is this week. My question is, is there a specific day or time that this must be completed? I will be back on campus on Tuesday and wanted to take it then, but I don't want to miss the deadline if it is due by Sunday (the end of this week). Also, do we need to take quizzes in the learning lab as well, or are those items available to be done from home? My guess is we must take them at the learning lab but I wasn't certain. Thank you for your help with this.

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Except for end-of-semester deadlines, on which I can't be flexible, I don't have firm due dates, but I generally expect tests to be take within about a week of completing the associated assignments and the posting of that work.

So next week will be fine. No problem at all.
