ެ]۱d assignment #003 003. PC1 questions qa initial problems 01-28-2007 lj淙Q҅~x assignment #001 001. Rates qa rates 01-28-2007
17:51:00 Your answer has been noted. Enter 'ok' in the Response Box and click on Enter Response, then click on Next Question/Answer for the first real question.
RESPONSE --> got it confidence assessment: 3
17:51:30 `q002. Note that there are 10 questions in this assignment. The questions are of increasing difficulty--the first questions are fairly easy but later questions are very tricky. The main purposes of these exercises are to refine your thinking about rates, and to see how you process challenging information. Continue as far as you can until you are completely lost. Students who are prepared for the highest-level math courses might not ever get lost. If you make $50 in 5 hr, then at what rate are you earning money?
RESPONSE --> $10 per hour confidence assessment: 3
17:51:49 The rate at which you are earning money is the number of dollars per hour you are earning. You are earning money at the rate of 50 dollars / (5 hours) = 10 dollars / hour. It is very likely that you immediately came up with the $10 / hour because almosteveryone is familiar with the concept of the pay rate, the number of dollars per hour. Note carefully that the pay rate is found by dividing the quantity earned by the time required to earn it. Time rates in general are found by dividing an accumulated quantity by the time required to accumulate it. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment: 3
17:52:19 `q003.If you make $60,000 per year then how much do you make per month?
RESPONSE --> 5000 confidence assessment: 3
17:53:34 01-28-2007 17:53:34 Most people will very quickly see that we need to divide $60,000 by 12 months, giving us 60,000 dollars / (12 months) = 5000 dollars / month. Note that again we have found a time rate, dividing the accumulated quantity by the time required to accumulate it. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.
NOTES -------> I have understood everything in this q_a rates so far
17:54:23 `q004. Suppose that the $60,000 is made in a year by a small business. Would be more appropriate to say that the business makes $5000 per month, or that the business makes an average of $5000 per month?
RESPONSE --> an average, because months would vary confidence assessment: 3
17:54:36 Small businesses do not usually make the same amount of money every month. The amount made depends on the demand for the services or commodities provided by the business, and there are often seasonal fluctuations in addition to other market fluctuations. It is almost certain that a small business making $60,000 per year will make more than $5000 in some months and less than $5000 in others. Therefore it is much more appropriate to say that the business makes and average of $5000 per month. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment: 3
17:55:25 `q005. If you travel 300 miles in 6 hours, at what average rate are you covering distance, and why do we say average rate instead of just plain rate?
RESPONSE --> an average of 50 mph - we say average because exact rate would vary confidence assessment: 3
17:55:34 The average rate is 50 miles per hour, or 50 miles / hour. This is obtained by dividing the accumulated quantity, the 300 miles, by the time required to accumulate it, obtaining ave rate = 300 miles / ( 6 hours) = 50 miles / hour. Note that the rate at which distance is covered is called speed. The car has an average speed of 50 miles/hour. We say 'average rate' in this case because it is almost certain that slight changes in pressure on the accelerator, traffic conditions and other factors ensure that the speed will sometimes be greater than 50 miles/hour and sometimes less than 50 miles/hour; the 50 miles/hour we obtain from the given information is clearly and overall average of the velocities. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes."