Your work on timer program has been received and looks very good.
Please let me know if you have any questions related to this orientation assignment.
I see three columns with the time in the second column and the difference between two clicks in the third column.
1 212.6797 212.6797
2 212.8594 .1796875
3 213.0313 .171875
4 213.1875 .15625
5 213.3516 .1640625
6 213.5 .1484375
7 213.6719 .171875
8 213.8125 .140625
9 213.9609 .1484375
10 214.1328 .171875
11 214.2891 .15625
12 214.4531 .1640625
13 214.6172 .1640625
14 214.7734 .15625
15 214.9453 .171875
16 215.1016 .15625
17 215.2734 .171875
18 215.4453 .171875
19 215.6094 .1640625
20 215.7734 .1640625
21 215.9297 .15625
.1625 By adding the first 20 intervals and dividing by 20.
I am not sure. Its probably preset to only recognize certain time intervals.
The program seems to be preset to certain statistical lapses.
The deep breaths where not as synchronized as the fast clicking motion as before.
.01 because the timer is only as accurate as the data shows and one of my times is only to the hundreth.
event number clock time time interval
1 126.4219 126.4219
2 130.1719 3.75
3 134.3047 4.132813
4 138.4922 4.1875
5 142.5156 4.023438
6 146.4219 3.90625
7 150.1016 3.679688
8 154.0234 3.921875
9 157.9531 3.929688
10 161.7344 3.78125