Your initial message (if any):
Have already performed an experiment similiar to this one.
Is flow rate increasing, decreasing, etc.?
Is the velocity of the water surface increasing, decreasing, etc.?
Remain the same.
How would the velocity of the water surface, the velocity of the exiting water, the diameter of the cylinder and the diameter of the hole be interrelated?
Bernoulli's Principle.
Explain how we know that a change in velocity implies the action of a force:
A change in velocity implies action of a force as defined by Newton's Laws Of Motion.
Pressure in the action of force.
Does the depth seem to be changing at a regular rate, at a faster and faster rate, or at a slower and slower rate
Changing at a regular rate but its hard to tell.
What do you think a graph of depth vs. time would look like?
Decreasing in a linear fashion.
Does the horizontal distance (the distance to the right, ignoring the up and down distance) traveled by the stream increase or decrease as time goes on?
Does this distance change at an increasing, decreasing or steady rate?
Steady rate.
What do you think a graph of this horizontal distance vs. time would look like?
Decreasing in a linear fashion similiar to the depth verses time graph.
The contents of TIMER program as you submitted them:
1 98.92969 98.92969
2 100.4844 1.554688
3 102.1328 1.648438
4 104.1484 2.015625
5 106.3359 2.1875
6 108.5547 2.21875
7 110.9609 2.40625
8 113.7969 2.835938
9 116.8438 3.046875
10 120.7422 3.898438
11 125.7422 5
12 134.0938 8.351563
The vertical positions of the large marks as you reported them, relative to the center of the outflow hole
1.9 cm
3.8 cm
5.7 cm
7.6 cm
9.5 cm
11.4 cm
13.3 cm
15.2 cm
17.1 cm
Your table for depth (in cm) vs clock time (in seconds)
3.19, 13.3
9.59, 7.6
Is the depth changing at a regular rate, at a faster and faster rate, or at a slower and slower rate?
Depth is changing at a slower rate as expected.
Your description of your depth vs. t graph:
Depth is decreasing but not quite in a linear fashion. It appears to be decreasing, concave up.
Your explanation and list of average average velocities:
Obtained velocities by taking the change in distance (from first distance) divided by change in time (from t=0).
0 cm/s
1.22 cm/s
1.19 cm/s
1.10 cm/s
1.03 cm/s
0.99 cm/s
0.95 cm/s
0.89 cm/s
0.85 cm/s
The midpoints of your time intervals and how you obtained them:
Subtracted two time intervals, divided by two, and added to the lowest time.
Your table of average velocity of water surface vs. clock time:
Your description of your graph of average velocity vs clock time:
Decreasing, concave up.
Your explanation of how acceleration values were obtained:
Change in velocity divided by elapsed time.
Your acceleration vs clock time table:
According to the evidence here, is acceleration increasing, decreasing, staying the same or is in not possible to tell?
13:04:25 01-29-2006
Your initial message (if any):
Is flow rate increasing, decreasing, etc.?
Is the velocity of the water surface increasing, decreasing, etc.?
How would the velocity of the water surface, the velocity of the exiting water, the diameter of the cylinder and the diameter of the hole be interrelated?
as the pressure of the water decreases the velocity of the water will decrease.the size of the exit hole will determine how fast the water will exit.
Explain how we know that a change in velocity implies the action of a force:
as the velocity of the water changes the pressure can see this by the distance of the stream of water. less preasure = less distance,more pressure = more distance
Does the depth seem to be changing at a regular rate, at a faster and faster rate, or at a slower and slower rate
faster and faster
What do you think a graph of depth vs. time would look like?
start out at a gradual incline and then gets steaper and steaper
Does the horizontal distance (the distance to the right, ignoring the up and down distance) traveled by the stream increase or decrease as time goes on?
Does this distance change at an increasing, decreasing or steady rate?
What do you think a graph of this horizontal distance vs. time would look like?
it would start out really fast and then slow down
The contents of TIMER program as you submitted them:
(long tube) 3.12 3.16 3.42 3.58 4.12 4.69 4.89 5.65 7.36 9.64 18.14
The vertical positions of the large marks as you reported them, relative to the center of the outflow hole
Your table for depth (in cm) vs clock time (in seconds)
Is the depth changing at a regular rate, at a faster and faster rate, or at a slower and slower rate?
Your description of your depth vs. t graph:
Your explanation and list of average average velocities:
The midpoints of your time intervals and how you obtained them:
Your table of average velocity of water surface vs. clock time:
Your description of your graph of average velocity vs clock time:
Your explanation of how acceleration values were obtained:
Your acceleration vs clock time table:
According to the evidence here, is acceleration increasing, decreasing, staying the same or is in not possible to tell?
17:00:58 02-05-2006