question form


Phy 121

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Question Form_labelMessages **


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Mr. Smith,

I have tried every possible way of downloading the Timer program, but it will not let me run or even download it.

I am not sure what my next move should be!

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Let's be sure you tried everything, and at the same time let's nail down the specifics or error messages, etc..

I assume you tried the timer.exe.

What error message did you get when you tried to run it?

Have you tried to run the q_a_prelim program?

Did you try the COMDLG32 fix?

Did you try the Timer-Java program?

If you didn't give it a try now.

If it didn't work let me know what happened, including error messages, etc..
