course mth164 assignment #010 010. Precalculus II 12-03-2008
20:21:06 Query problem 8.1.24 polar coordinates of (-3, 4`pi)
RESPONSE --> -3cos4pi=x -3sin4pi=y x=-2.928 y=-.652 confidence assessment: 2
20:21:59 Describe the position of the given point on the polar coordinate axes.
RESPONSE --> these are the given x and y values that show the polar coordinates in the 3rd quadrant confidence assessment: 2
20:24:15 Give other possible polar coordinates for the same point and describe in terms of the graph how you obtained these coordinates.
RESPONSE --> the other possible coordinates are the same but in the 1rst quadrant becuase they are angular. You use the given triangle is shown and you then take the numbers and crreate a figure and extend all lines to find the results confidence assessment: 2
20:29:07 Query problem 8.1.42 rect coord of (-3.1, 182 deg)
RESPONSE --> this uses the same polar formula and then you find and create a rectangle instead of a triangle 3.09 .108 confidence assessment: 2
20:29:40 What are the rectangular coordinates of the given point?
RESPONSE --> they are the furthermost point from the origin which is in the rectangle confidence assessment: 2
20:29:58 Explain how you obtained the rectangular coordinates of this point.
RESPONSE --> by using the polar coordinates and the deriving a rectangle confidence assessment: 2
20:31:13 Query problem 8.1.54 polar coordinates of (-.8, -2.1)
RESPONSE --> if -2.1 is a degree -.799=x .029=y confidence assessment: 2
20:31:36 Give the polar coordinates of the given point.
RESPONSE --> they are as were given prevoiusly confidence assessment: 2
20:32:11 Explain how you obtained each of these polar coordinates.
RESPONSE --> they are the rsintheta for y and for x rcostheta confidence assessment: 2
20:34:47 Query problem 8.1.60 write y^2 = 2 x using polar coordinates.
RESPONSE --> (y^2,1)=(x,x) confidence assessment: 1
20:35:23 What is the polar coordinate form of the equation y^2 = 2x?
RESPONSE --> r,o=r,o confidence assessment: 1
20:37:27 Explain how you obtained this equation.
RESPONSE --> because the polar coordinate is a point on the line of a shape and it does not change the shape of it by being ^2 confidence assessment: 1
20:39:08 Query problem 8.1.72 rect coord form of r = 3 / (3 - cos(`theta))
RESPONSE --> r,1=cos-3/3,1 confidence assessment: 1
20:39:41 What is the rectangular coordinate form of the given equation?
RESPONSE --> a rectangle in the 1rst quadrant confidence assessment: 1
20:40:02 Explain how you obtained this equation.
RESPONSE --> by using the rect coordinate and a graph confidence assessment: 1
20:41:19 Query problem 8.2.10 graph r = 2 sin(`theta).
RESPONSE --> ok it goes throught the origin and travles over and under the x axis confidence assessment: 2
20:41:42 Describe your graph of r = 2 sin(`theta).
RESPONSE --> already did previously confidence assessment: 2
20:42:46 Explain how you obtained your graph.
RESPONSE --> by graphing it because 2 times the sin of x will show all values the are y of anything confidence assessment: 2
20:43:28 Was it possible to use symmetry in any way to obtain your graph, and if so how did you use it?
RESPONSE --> yes because the function travels the same on both sides of the x axis confidence assessment: 2
20:44:53 Query problem 8.2.36 graph r=2+4 cos `theta
RESPONSE --> the cos function is stretched and passes the y axis at 6 with a small faining and the frequency is lengthened substantially confidence assessment: 2
20:45:09 Explain how you obtained your graph.
RESPONSE --> by modifying the cos function confidence assessment: 2
20:45:25 Was it possible to use symmetry in any way to obtain your graph, and if so how did you use it?
RESPONSE --> yes because it repeats confidence assessment: 2
20:46:50 Comm on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> i used the degree mode to calculate the first few problems instead of the radians, also I realize that all things done in this section are tied together confidence assessment: 2