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outlook 9june2013 17:16
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Please ignore all previous outlook questions as well as this one i provided a reason in the last box.
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http://vhcc2.vhcc.edu/dsmith/geninfo/initial_information_registered_students.htm this is the link you sent me: Welcome to recently enrolled students. If you have recently enrolled you need to get started immediately. This summer term is shorter than most and it's a challenge to compress a 16-week learning process into 9 weeks or less.
To get started you simply need to go to the link ( which i located above.)
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please ignore this message when i sent it and clicked on the link from this site it worked however on my email it just took me to outlook. I understand what was wrong, thank you.
No problem. Glad it's straightened out.
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Introductory Flow Model 9jun13
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This is located in assignments 0-5, problems at interactive prob, then under Precalculus I Randomized Problems subheading Introductory Flow Model,Problem Selection subheading version 1
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Time (minutes) Temperature (Celsius)
0 118
20 118
40 91.96194
60 81.85297
80 73.29324
100 66.04533
120 59.90819
140 54.7116
these are supposed to be the original data points but when i got to the 2nd chart i found.
Time (minutes) Temperature (Celsius) Prediction of Model Deviation of Observed Temperature from Model
0 118
20 103.9006
40 91.96194
60 81.85297
80 73.29324
100 66.04533
120 59.90819
140 54.7116
you'll notice that the time (minutes) when 20 has a temperature of 118 (Celsius)while in the 2nd one t=20,y=103.9006
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Is it alright to assume that the 2nd one is the correct temperature seeing how it flows better with the data and may provide why my Mathematical model is off?
That will be fine.
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DueDates Confusion 9jun13
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This is how I found Spring of 2012 due dates Menu: Initial Activities Mth 163, Precalculus,A3. Homepage, due dates, course of study_163 , i click on the 2nd link Task: `q004. Go to the home page for your course, at Precalculus I Homepage (the URL is http://vhcc2.vhcc.edu/pc1fall9/homepage_163_menu_driven.htm) then i click on Due Dates Document, Precalculus I Timetable, Spring 2012
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Mth 163, Precalculus I Homepage this is where I am trying to find my due dates I have found Table of Assignments, Topics and Specific Objectives though it is a little confusing to navigate the due dates page and what assignments are to be done when would probably make this a little less confusing.
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trying to find 2013 summer due dates page
When I go to the link you give above
I am taken to a page with a menu down the left-hand side of the screen.
After the Initial Activities block, the menu starts with the lines
Homepage Menu
•Explanatory Note
• Course of Study
•Due Dates
•Table of Assignments, Topics and Specific Objectives
•Brief Assignments Page
If I click on the Due Dates I get to a page entitled
Calendar for Full Summer Session 2013
The dates on this page match Summer session 2013.