question form



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** Question Form_labelMessages **

i dont know how

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I constantly used the same unit of water, the the bottom of a mountain dew from end of label to bottom of plastic I started at one inch the amount of length traveled was zero. inch mark on yard stick=x,length traveled=y. (1,0)(3,2)(6,3)(10.5,4.5)(15,5.5)(21.5,6.5)(26.5,5)(31.5,5)(38.9,4.4)(39.9,1) counting by 5's on my x axis and by 1's on my y axis It kinda makes an upside down half circle, semi-circle


This graph is relevant to some very interesting behavior of the system, but it isn't the graph of length vs. amount of water, which I believe was what was requested.

Length traveled would not be direct data, but would be calculated from previous length and new length.

How much water was present, and what was the corresponding length of the chain, for each observation?

Can you report this as a table, then make the required graph?

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Im not quite sure how to do so


(1,0)(3,2)(6,3)(10.5,4.5)(15,5.5)(21.5,6.5)(26.5,5)(31.5,5)(38.9,4.4)(39.9,1) is difficult to process at a glance.











is much easier. We can see the trends in the numbers. Lengths go up, changes in length go up then decrease. These are important trends.

Speaking of the trends, I can't see clearly what the two columns mean. It took me a few minutes to figure that out.

Table form, where you label each column, would be even better.

The data you report should actually be chain length vs. number of units of water. You would have

1 1

2 3

3 6

4 10.5


Your second-column numbers represent the change in the length of the chain vs. its length. This is also interesting information.

You can see why it is very important to label your information and put it in columns, and label your data.

In this case you might have

Chain length vs. number of units of water:

1 1

2 3

3 6

4 10.5



Change in chain length vs. length of chain

1 0

3 2

6 3

10.5 4.5

This provides the reader with information that can be digested at a glance.
