Pendulum Activities


course Phy 201

8/26 9

1. Pendulum dataGive your two pendulum counts and lengths. Lengths should be measured with the paper ruler you used in class.

length of first pendulum: 31.5cm one-minute count for first pendulum: 60 cycles

length of second pendulum: 15cm one-minute count for second pendulum: 82 cycles


2. Number of cycles required for ball to roll down ramp:

first trial (ramp supported on west side of tabletop, wide end of ramp directed to west): 5.5 cycles

second trial (ramp supported on west side of tabletop, wide end of ramp directed to east): 5.0 cycles

third trial (ramp supported on east side of tabletop, wide end of ramp directed to west): 5.5 cycles

fourth trial (ramp supported on east side of tabletop, wide end of ramp directed to east): 5.5 cycles


3. The tabletop is almost certainly not level. According you your information, do you think it is tilted toward the east or toward the west?

I think it is tilted towards the east.


How is your answer related to your data, and with how much certainty do you think your conclusion is supported by your data?

I think it is tilted toward the east because I had a faster time when the ramp was supported on the west side of the tabletop. I don't really think my data is very strongly supported because there are so many margins of error involved in this method of data collection.


How do you think we could get data to test this question with more certainty?

A better way to measure how level the tabletop is would be to use a level. But if we were using another form of data collection, we could time the ball with a timer instead of using a pendulum - the timer would be more accurate than using my unpredictable hand.



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