question form

Phy 202

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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Prof. Smith,

I was working on my Transfering to Physics, Timer assignment. When I finished I hit submit form. When I went to my c:VHMTHPHY there was no send file for this assignment. I got a confirmation after I sent it. Do some files go straight to you? Or do all assignments have to have their send files copied to the submit work form?

If you run a file using a web form and receive a confirmation, then it has been submitted and should appear on your access page.

If you run an executable program like the qa or query, it creates a SEND file, and those files must be submitted using the Submit Work Form.

I received a TIMER experiment with no identifying information--access code, email, etc. were not filled in. Could it have been yours?