D.  In part D you will use the Submit Work Form to document what you have done so far.

In this course routine communication will be by form and posting to your Access Site.  Unless you submit it, confidential information such as your name and EMPLID# will not be posted at the Access Site. 

All routine communication will be by forms, with responses posted to your access site.

You will include identifying information in the places requested on the form.  This identifying information will not be posted at the access page; identifying information is used only to be sure your work is posted to the appropriate access site.   Unless you also include identifying information within the document you submit, your posting will be anonymous.  The name, code and email address you provide in response to the form's requests will not be posted.  

If the instructor's reply includes confidential information, that information will not be posted but will either be sent via email or posted in the (confidential) Blackboard Grade Center (more about the Grade Center later).

Please follow the instructions below to confirm that you understand what you have done and what you have seen so far:

1.  Using a text editor (such as Notepad or the equivalent) type a sentence or a short paragraph indicating what you have done so far, and what information you hope to find in the remainder of this introduction to the course.

If you aren't sure what a text editor is, type your response into some sort of a word processor, and add a sentence indicating what word processor you are using.

2.  Add a sentence to your document indicating what operating system(s) and what device(s) you expect to use for this course (your operating system might be Windows, and Apple product, Linux, etc.; examples of devices would be PC's, IPad's, smartPhones).

3.  Click on the link Submit Work Form .  The form is self-explanatory, so you probably don't need the explanation below, but here it is just in case:
