Query again

course Mth 174

I got your email this afternoon (Monday). I checked the blackboard site under both the Calculus 2 and Calculus 1 directories however i still do not see the newly posted Query program. I redownloaded the Calc 2 and the Calc 1 programs just to make sure but the Calc 2 one was the same one that I have been using. You mentioned that you would have it posted this afternoon and I just wanted to let you know in case you had posted it and blackboard had messed up once again. I plan on getting back to work on the assignments as soon as they are posted. Please let me know when the new query is available. Thank you!Simon Rucker

Hopefully you got my message last night. There could be something strange going on with that page, but I really think neither of us looked at it correctly. Let me know if you run into further problems locating or running the program.