course PHY 241
1/09/20124:32 am
For vs. length for rubber band chain
You suspended 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 dominoes from a rubber band chain and measured the length of the chain for each number of dominoes.
Insert a copy of your data here, along with any previously submitted work you wish to include:
Didn’t do the experiment exactly correct, but here’s the data I have
Dominoes length of chain
0 48 cm
1 51 cm
2 52 cm
3 54 cm
Graph the length of the rubber band chain vs. the thickness of your domino stack. If you didn’t actually measure the thickness of each stack you may assume that each is .9 cm thick.
Fit a good straight line to you graph. What is the slope of this line?
slope roughly equals 2
The number seems reasonable, but the slope has units.
Describe how you think the actual trend of your data points might differ from linear.
The average difference was 2 cm, but there was one point where the data was only a difference of one cm. This leads me to believe that the difference will occasionally differ by an additional cm or one less.
If you fit a good straight line to your first three data points, what is its slope?
only had three data points
If you fit a good straight line to your last three data points, what is its slope?
only had three data points
Assume that a domino stack has a mass density of 20 grams / centimeter of thickness. Relabel your graph so that it measures force vs. length, and give the slope of the graph in terms of force rather than stack thickness.