

course PHY 241

08/31/20115:27 AM

I wish to apologize for the number of unanswered questions in this assignment. There were several things that just seemed to escape my scope of understanding, I will probably ask about a number of these after class." "`q001. An automobile is traveling at 15 m/s at one instant, and 4 seconds later it is traveling at 25 m/s, then:

What is the average velocity of the automobile, assuming that its velocity changes at a constant rate?


20 m/s


What is the change in the automobile's velocity?


2.5 m/s^2


@& That's the average rate of change of the velocity with respect to clock time. The change in velocity is just 10 m/s.*@

A ball is dropped in the automobile, and its velocity it observed to change by 2 meters / second in 1/4 of a second.

Which is speeding up more quickly, the ball or the automobile?


the ball


If the ball's speed was 1 meter / second at the beginning of its 1/4-second interval, which traveled further, the automobile during its 4-second interval or the ball during its 1/4-second interval?


the automobile


If the ball kept speeding up at the same rate for 4 seconds, which would travel further during the 4-second interval?


the ball


`q002. When an object of mass m is moving with velocity v, it has the following properties

• its kinetic energy is KE = 1/2 m v^2

• its momentum is p = m v

Forces acting on objects can change their velocity, momentum and kinetic energy.

• When an object of mass m changes its velocity, with respect to clock time, at rate a, then the net force acting on it (i.e., the sum of all the forces acting on it) is F_net = m * a.

• If a force F acts through a displacement `ds along the line of the force, then the force does work `dW = F * `ds.

• If F happens to be the net force acting on an object, then the KE of that object changes by an amount equal to `dW.

• If a net force F_net acts on an object for time interval `dt, then the momentum of that object changes by `dp = F_net * `dt.

We will see later where these definitions come from and what they are good for.

Now, the automobile in the preceding has a mass of 1000 kg.

• At the beginning of the 4-second interval, what is its kinetic energy (hereafter abbreviated KE)? ****31,250,000 kg^2/second #$&*

• What is its KE at the end of the 4-second interval? **** #$&*

• What is the change in its KE? **** #$&*

• What is the net force acting on this object? **** #$&*

• How much work does this net force do? **** #$&*

• What do you get when you multiply the net force by the time interval? **** #$&*

`q003. Give your results for the experiment with the rotating strap and the dominoes, as indicated below.

• When the dominoes were on the ends of the strap, how long did it take the system to come to rest and how far did it rotate? **** time: not calculated, distance: 1.5 turns#$&*

• Answer the same for the dominoes halfway to the center. ****couldn’t spin #$&*

• Answer once more for the strap without the dominoes. ****couldn’t spin #$&*

• For each system, what was the average rotational velocity (i.e., the average amount of rotation per unit of time)? **** #$&*

• For each system, how quickly did the rotational velocity change? **** #$&*

`q004. For the cars suspended on opposite sides of the pulley (we call this sort of system an Atwood Machine), four different forces are involved. Gravity pulls down on the more massive car, gravity pulls down on the less massive car, the tension on one end of the string pulls up on the more massive car, and the tension on the other end of the string pulls up on the less massive car. If the pulley is light an frictionless, which is the case here, the tension in the string is the same throughout.

• What is greater in magnitude, the tension acting on the more massive car or the force exerted by gravity on that car? ****gravity #$&*

• What is greater in magnitude, the tension acting on the less massive car or the force exerted by gravity on that car? ****tension #$&*

• Is the net force on the more massive car in the upward or downward direction? ****downward #$&*

• Is the net force on the less massive car in the upward or downward direction? ****upward #$&*

• Place in order the magnitudes of the following forces: the net force F_net_1 on the less massive car, the net force F_net_2 on the more massive car, the tension T_1 acting on the less massive car, the tension T_2 acting on the more massive car, the force wt_2 exerted by gravity on the more massive car and the force wt_2 exerted by gravity on the more massive car (wt stands for weight). **** F_net_2, T_1, T_2, F_net_1#$&*

`q005. If a net force of 2000 dynes acts on a toy car through a distance of 30 cm in the direction of the force, then

• How much work is done on the car? ****60000dynes #$&*

• By how much does its KE change? **** #$&*

• At what rate a is its velocity changing? **** #$&*

`q006. Explain why, when the two cars connected by the rubber band chain were dropped, the instructor failed to catch the car as intended. Avoid any reference to the instructor's coordination, reflexes or mental state.


The tension in the rubber band caused the rubber band to snap the cars together. However, when this force is combined with gravity, the net force results in the heavier car almost staying in place for a split-second as the smaller car is snapped down much faster than gravity alone would do.


... what if given init vel in opp dir ... ?

`q007. It's fairly easy to establish that an object dropped from the instructor's chest height will fall freely to the floor in about 1/2 second.

Estimate how far the object would fall.


One instructor chest-height


What therefore would be its average velocity, assuming it was dropped from rest?


Two instructor chest-heights/ second


At what aveage rate is its velocity therefore changing?


Four instructor chest-heights/second^2


`q008. A trapezoid on a graph of velocity v vs. clock time t has altitudes v_0 and v_f. Its width is `dt.

What is the rise of the trapezoid and what does it mean?



What is the run of the trapezoid and what does it mean?



What is the slope of the trapezoid and what does it mean?



What is the average altitude of the trapezoid and what does it mean?



What is the area of the trapezoid and what does it mean?



`q009. At the beginning of the second question you were given six bits of information. You are going to need to use this information over and over. You would do well to memorize those six things, though a word-for-word repetition is not necessary. You will probably do so spontaneously as you use them over and over again to understand the behaviors of different systems.

How are you doing with these ideas?


You lost me when asking for rise, run, and slope without any sort of numerical values . . .


@& Do the same thing with the symbols you would do with the numbers. If you would subtract the numbers, then subtract the symbols. If you would add the numbers and divide by 2, the add the symbols and divide by 2. etc..*@


@& Check my notes and let me know if you have additional questions.

Note that the **** and #$&* strings need to be on their own lines in order for me to read the document. I'm not sure how they got compressed into one line on that one problem.*@