course PHY 241
I should have sent this data in earlier, but after finding that I have not been using the right book I have been working a little harder on my other subjects. I have also run a little behind, as you may have noticed, and am doing my darndest to get everything in tonight.
Report your data on the collision experiment done in class today. Report in a readable format, including explanations and descriptions, and putting numerical data into easily-read table form.****
I did three trials of this experiment, as well as three control runs
Control: roll the ball down the ramp, measure the distance as accurately as possible
Trial one: 25 cm
Trial two: 26 cm
Trial three: 25 cm
Experiment: balance a marble at the end of the ramp, roll ball down ramp, measure how far marble goes after collision
Trial one: 27 cm
Trial two: 26 cm
Trial three: 28 cm
University Physics students report your data on coefficient of restitution and the radius of the circle described by the contact point of the ball and the ramp:
length of ramp: 60 cm
elevation of starting point: 2 dominoes
Didn’t measure ball radius
Collision experiment:
Report your data, including a description and documentation sufficient for later reference:
The ball seemed to travel slightly farther than usual after collision, rather than by itself. Though this was only a difference of one centimeter.
Given the margin of error, as I was measuring where they landed on the ruler with my naked eye, I can safely say that there was no difference in energy between the two variances of the tests.
After collision both the first ball and the second ball landed. You need the landing positions for both, in addition to the landing position in the control.
If you don't have that information you can easily re-run the trials in about 5 minutes.