course Mth 151

assignment 4-QUERY


THe area outside of both A and B would be 7 because you would subtract the 25 from A with the 18 of B. Then you would determine A'UB' by understanding that it is everything other than the region that is common to both A and B. Therefore it now includes the 18 elements in B that are not in A and the 7 elements outside of both A and B. So you would take 40-18-7 to get 15 which is the region (A-B).

*2 on confidence scale


I first drew my picture with my first circle representing the 5 he wrote, the second cirlce representing the 7 he produced, and the combined region representing the 2 he wrote and produced. So i took A-B region tog et my aswer, which is 3

*1 on confidence scale


I understand and followed very well."

See my notes on other assignments. You need to submit the complete document, without omissions.

That said, it appears that you're doing very well with this material. I expect you'll do well on the test, and if so it won't matter that these documents are incomplete.