course Mth 151

assignment 15-QA


The headings would be: p q p->q and the rows would look like: TTT, TFF, FTT, FFT. all would be true except the TF which mean p is true and q is false.

*2 on confidence scale


The only case that would be false is if you had the case of T->F. The headings for the truth table would be: p q ~p ~p->q and the rows would look lie this: TTFT, TFFT, FTTT, FFTT. and the rows would come from the cases in order with: F->T, F->F, T->T, T->F.

*2 on confidence scale


With the FT case both p^~q and ~p-<~q are false. Them even combined would be false.

*1 on confidence scale


The headings would conclude: p q ~p ~q (p^~q) (~p-<~q) (p^~q)U(~p->~q)

the rows would then include: TTFFFTT, TFFTTTT, FTTFFFF, FFTTFTT.

*1 on confidence scale


There would be a total of 8 combinations because there are four possible for p and q but since we add r it gives up chance of putting it to be either true or false. The combinations would be: TTT, FFF, TFT, FTF, FTT, TFF, FFT, TTF.

*2 on confidence scale


The headings would be: p q r ~q (p^~q) (p^~q)->r

the rows would read as: TFTTTT, FFTTFT, FTFFFT

*2 on confidence scale


&#Please let me know if you have questions. &#