assignment 15-QUERY

course Mth 151

March 7 around 3

Mary Sholesassignment 15-Query


I started with the phrase 'If it's milk then it contains calcium.'

inverse: 'if its not milk then it does not contain calcium.'

converse: 'if it contains calcium then its milk.'

contrapositive: 'if it doesn't contain calcium then it is not milk.'

*2 on confidence scale


The contrapositive would be 'If a natural number isn't even then its square isn't even.'

*1 on confidence scale


The first phrase I used the example of the square root of 144 is 12. the contrapositive phrase was when i used 7 being the square root of 49.

*2 on confidence scale


I used the reasoning of the fact that these both say the same thing and if one is true then the other as to be true, same for them being false.

*3 on confidence scale


p would be 'its a whole number' while q would be 'its an integer'. the overall statement would then read 'if its a whole number then its an integer'


'If the principal hires more, then the school board will approve'

*2 on confidence scale


both phrases are false but the overall statement is true to to p and q being false.

*2 on confidence scale


it is impossible for a number to be both an integer and irrational so the statement is contrary.

*2 on confidence scale


&#Please let me know if you have questions. &#