Labs from Friday


course Phy 231

SpringsI used three separate springs (A,B, and C) for this lab. On each spring I tested how long it would take each of the three spring to come to rest after I suspended increments of weight to the bottom of the spring.

A: 0g it took 0 sec. ; 500g it took 0 sec; 1000g it took 10 sec; 1500g it took 14 sec.

B: 0g it took 0 sec. ; 500g it took 0 sec; 1000g it took 0 sec; 1500g it took 0 sec.

C: 0g it took 0 sec. ; 500g it took 10 sec; 1000g it took 12 sec; 1500g it took 26 sec.


I believe you were asked to measure the frequency of the oscillations of the masses on the springs. However it could be that I didn't express that clearly.



To find the ratio of the big set of nails in comparison to the smaller nails I found the volume of each (I used the volume of a cylinder formula) and then made a ratio out of the two.

Big nails: r=3.75cm h=8cm V=353.43cm^3

Small nails: r=1.65cm h=8cm V=68.42cm^3


Certainly you can't report those volumes to four or five significant figures. Two would be safe. Three would require measurements accurate to within 0.1 %, which given the irregularities of the bundle is probably not achievable.


Ratio= 36:7


In this lab I had suspended paper clips to two side of a suspended pulley. On one side of the pulley I would have more paper clips than the other then I would hold the paperclips that had less on their side and I would time how long it would take the side with the most paper clips to pull the side with the least paperclips back to the top. After I would clock how long it took I would take one paperclip from the side with more paperclips and add it to the side with less paperclips until there was an even amount of paperclips on both sides.

With 5 paperclips on the small side and 10 on the big side it took 0.642 sec.

With 6 paperclips on the small side and 9 on the big side it took 0.777 sec.

With 7 paperclips on the small side and 8 on the big side it took 1.546 sec.


Was the only mass that of the 15 paperclips?

How far did the masses move during the reported time intervals?
