
course Phy 232

Нd{ؑaE­~޿mֺStudent Name: Monique Marjorie Sno

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assignment #001




`q001. It will be very important in this course for your instructor to see and understand the process of visualization and reasoning you use when you solve problems. This exercise is designed to give you a first experience with these ideas, and your instructor a first look at your work.

Answer the following questions and explain in commonsense terms why your answer makes sense.






Student Name:

assignment #001




`q001. It will be very important in this course for your instructor to see and understand the process of visualization and reasoning you use when you solve problems. This exercise is designed to give you a first experience with these ideas, and your instructor a first look at your work.

Answer the following questions and explain in commonsense terms why your answer makes sense.







For each question draw a picture to make sense out of the situation, and include a description of the picture.


Sample question and response

Question: If a bundle of shingles covers 30 square feet, how many bundles are required to cover a 600 square foot roof?

Response: We might draw a picture of a rectangle representing the area, dividing the rectangle into a number of smaller rectangles each representing the area covered by a single bundle. This makes it clear that we are dividing the roof area into 1-bundle areas, and makes it clear why we are going to have to divide.

Reasoning this problem out in words, we can say that a single bundle would cover 30 square feet. Two bundles would cover 60 square feet. Three bundles would cover 90 square feet. We could continue in this manner until we reach 600 square feet. However, this would be cumbersome. It is more efficient to use the ideas of multiplication and division.

We imagine grouping the 600 square feet into 30 square foot patches. There will be 600 / 30 patches and each will require exactly one bundle. We therefore require 600 / 30 bundles = 20 bundles.

{}Your responses might not be as clear as the above, though they might be even more clear. I won't be looking for perfection, though I wouldn't object to it, but for a first effort at visualizing a situation and communicating a reasoning process. This is not something you are used to doing and it might take a few attempts before you can achieve good results, but you will get better every time you try.

{}You might be unsure of what to do on a specific question. In such a case specific questions and expressions of confusion are also acceptable responses. Such a response must include your attempts to come up with a picture and reason out an explanation. For example your response might be

Sample expression of confusion:

I've drawn a picture of a pile of bundles and a roof but I'm not sure how to connect the two. I tried multiplying the number of bundles by the square feet of the roof but I got 18,000, and I know it won't take 18,000 bundles to cover the roof. How do you put the area covered by a bundle together with the roof area to get the number of bundles required?

A poor response would be something like 'I don't know how to do #17'. This response reveals nothing of your attempt to understand the question and the situation. Nor does it ask a specific question.

Incidentally, you might be tempted to quote rules or formulas about rates and velocities in answering these questions. Don't. This exercise isn't about being able to memorize rules and quote them. It is about expanding your ability to visualize, reason and communicate.



For this question, I would write the steps to solve the equation.

600 sq ft /(30 sq ft per bundle) = 20 bundles




In your own words briefly summarize the instructions and the intent of this exercise.



During this exercise we are to practice giving clear answers to questions. We should write out or illustrate through formulas how we arrived at our solution. If we do not understand a question or how to solve a problem. We should indicate what approach we used and why we do not understand.




`q001. If you earn 50 dollars in 5 hours, at what average rate are you earning money, in dollars per hour?



Average rate = dollars per hour

Average rate = $50/5hrs = $10/hr




If you travel 300 miles in 6 hours, at what average rate are you traveling, in miles per hour?



Average Rate = miles per hour

Average Rate = 300 miles / 6 hours = 50 miles per hour




`q002. If a ball rolling down a grooved track travels 40 centimeters in 5 seconds, at what average rate is the ball moving, in centimeters per second?



Average Rate = cm/sec

Average Rate = 40 cm / 5 sec = 8 cm/sec




The preceding three questions illustrate the concept of a rate. In each case, to find the rate we divided the change in some quantity (the number of dollars or the distance, in these examples) by the time required for the change (the number of hours or seconds, in these examples). Explain in your own words what is meant by the idea of a rate.



Rate is a given quantity divided by time.

Example velocity = distance/time

Billing Rate = dollars/time




`q003. If you are earning money at the average rate of 15 dollars per hour, how much do you earn in 6 hours?



Rate = dollars / hours

dollars = rate*hours

dollars = $15/hr * 6 hrs =$90




If you are traveling at an average rate of 60 miles per hour, how far do you travel in 9 hours?



Distance = rate * time

distance = 60 miles/hr * 9 hrs = 540 miles




`q004. If a ball travels at and average rate of 13 centimeters per second, how far does it travel in 3 seconds?



distance = rate(cm/s) * time(s)

distance = 13 cm/s * 3 s = 39 cm




In the preceding three exercises you turned the concept of a rate around. You were given the rate and the change in the clock time, and you calculated the change in the quantity. Explain in your own words how this increases your understanding of the concept of a rate.



This concept involves unit cancellation to solve the problem. Using the inital rate equation you can manipulate the equation using mathematical properties




`q005. How long does it take to earn 100 dollars at an average rate of 4 dollars per hour?



Time = dollars /dollars per hour

time = $100/ $4/hr = 25 hrs




How long does it take to travel 500 miles at an average rate of 25 miles per hour?



time = miles / (miles/hr)

time = 500 miles / (25 miles/hr) = 20 hrs




`q006. How long does it take a rolling ball to travel 80 centimeters at an average rate of 16 centimeters per second?



time = cm / (cm/s)

time = 80cm / (16 cm/s) = 5 sec




In the preceding three exercises you again expanded your concept of the idea of a rate. Explain how these problems illustrate the concept of a rate.



altered the rate equation to find time

Time equals change in the quantity divided by the rate.

time = quantity / rate



You clearly understand this, but note that you didn't follow the instructions to describe pictures, etc..