Your work on ball down ramp has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
Your general comment
Hello Prof. Smith,
Here is my Timing a Ball down a Ramp assignment.Please, can you let me know if you received my assignments?
Thank you.
Will a steeper ramp give greater or lesser time?
I think the time required to roll the lenght of the ramp will be greatest if a slope will be smaller.
As slopes increases will time intervals increase, decrease or show no pattern?
If I write down the slopes from least to greatest, the time intervals will decrease.
Your report of 5 trials each way for 1 domino
First results with one dominoe:
Reverse system's results:
Your report of 5 trials each way for 2 dominoes
I was thinking why I have recieved so many different numbers.
First results with two dominoes:
Reverse system's results:
Your report of 5 trials each way for 3 dominoes
First results with three dominoes:
Reverse system's results:
Do your results support or fail to support your hypothesis about increasing or decreasing times?
My hypothesis was, If I write down the slopes from least to greatest, the time intervals will decrease.
Now I can say that the experiments I've made support the hypothesis I stated. Because every next time I increased the slope and I measured the time intervals between the released position and the moment the ball struck the bracket the time intervals were decreasing.
How do you think ave velocity is related to slope?
I think yes. The average velocity of the ball is related to the slope of the ramp because the formula of the average velocity is average velocity = displacement / time elapsed. The “displacement” didn’t change, but the “time elapsed” changed every time I increased the slope of the ramp by putting more dominoes. Consequently, I can see that the average velocity is increasing when the slope of the ramp is increasing and the time intervals of the ball are decreasing.
Speculate on why ave velocity changes with slope.
I think that the average velocity depends from the slope. The reason is that when the slope is greater the free fall of the ball is larger. When the slop is large the ball has fewer impediments.
How could you test your speculations?
I can verify my speculation by repeating the experiment I've made many times. If I get the same results, I can say that the velocity depends from the slope of the ramp.
Your data look good.
After the due date we will be discussing this experiment further via an online forum.
Your work on ball down ramp has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
Your general comment
Will a steeper ramp give greater or lesser time?
The ball will roll faster down the steepest ramp.
As slopes increases will time intervals increase, decrease or show no pattern?
As the angle of the ramp increased, the time of the ball would decrease.
Your report of 5 trials each way for 1 domino
1 8873.625 2.078125
2 8899.828 2.390625
3 8921.859 1.953125
4 8947.625 1.984375
5 8973.047 1.8125
6 9119.766 1.53125
7 9136.141 1.578125
8 9151.031 1.734375
9 9181.047 1.5625
10 9168.109 1.65625
I thought the times would be the same but in the second trial the ball went faster.
Your report of 5 trials each way for 2 dominoes
1 9605.531 1.296875
2 9623.594 1.421875
3 9645.813 1.484375
4 9663.594 1.25
5 9685.844 1.234375
6 9733.453 1.140625
7 9747.391 1.109375
8 9761.578 1.1875
9 9774.5 1.1875
10 9788.5 1.125
Your report of 5 trials each way for 3 dominoes
1 9959.203 1
2 9975.016 1.15625
3 9995.281 1.15625
4 10015.73 1.203125
5 10044.67 1.078125
6 10081.25 .96875
7 10095.63 .984375
8 10109.64 1
9 10122.66 .921875
10 10135.22 .953125
Do your results support or fail to support your hypothesis about increasing or decreasing times?
Yes. As the ramp got steeper, the ball did go faster down the ramp.
How do you think ave velocity is related to slope?
The steeper the ramp is, the more velocity the ball has.
Speculate on why ave velocity changes with slope.
When the ramp is steeper the ball travels faster and the velocity increases.
How could you test your speculations?
You could calculate the velocity of the ball traveling at the speed with only one domino. Then, calculate the velocity of the ball with three dominos under the ramp. This would tell you if your speculations are correct.
Your data look good, though not all of it was reported in the precise format requested (I believe everything requested was given, but sometimes you included extraneous data).
After the due date we will be discussing this experiment further via an online forum.