timer program

Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Your General Comment **

** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **

Three columns appeared after I had clicked the 'click to time event' button ten times. Column one is numbered 1-10 and the data in columns two and three are different.

My data is as follows:

1 76.73047 76.73047

2 77.20313 .4726563

3 77.63281 .4296875

4 78.08203 .4492188

5 78.53516 .453125

6 78.94141 .40625

7 79.375 .4335938

8 79.78516 .4101563

9 80.17578 .390625

10 80.56641 .390625

** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **

1 212.0469 212.0469

2 212.1992 .1523438

3 212.3477 .1484375

4 212.5 .1523438

5 212.6367 .1367188

6 212.8008 .1640625

7 212.9609 .1601563

8 213.0977 .1367188

9 213.2383 .140625

10 213.4102 .171875

11 213.5586 .1484375

12 213.7305 .171875

13 213.8789 .1484375

14 214.0313 .1523438

15 214.1914 .1601563

16 214.3516 .1601563

17 214.5 .1484375

18 214.6602 .1601563

19 214.8242 .1640625

20 215.2305 .40625

** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **


This is the average of the clock times, not the time intervals. The first column is just the sequential numbering 1, 2, 3, ... of clock times. The second column is the clock times. The third column is the interval between each clock times and the preceding clock time.

The interval listed in the first row is the interval between the time when you opened the program and time of your first click, and does not correspond to an interval between clicks. This question asked you to find the average of the time intervals between clicks. Note that if you clicked 20 times you actually have only 19 intervals.

What is the average of your intervals?

Please respond with a copy of this question, a copy of any other part of this document you wish to include, and your response to the question. Indicate your response using the symbols *&##. As your title use the 'response title' suggested above (just copy and paste that title into the Title box of the Submit Work form).

I added all twenty numbers in the first column beginning with 212.0469 and ending with 215.2305. After adding them I then divided that sum by 20 where I arrived at the conclusion of the average being 213.50978.

** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **

.40625 , 1

.136719, 2

.140625, 1

.148438, 4

.152344, 3

.160156, 4

.164063, 2

.171875, 2

212.0469, 1

Good, but:

Intervals are typically between .1 sec and .25 sec. Smaller intervals are sometimes observed between quick clicks--some people are just plain quick on this exercise. Intervals greater than .3 seconds or so are almost certainly not the result of 'quick clicks'; if you had intervals in this range within your sequence of clicks then you should have tried another sequence, until you could get 20 good clicks. While you do want to report the TIMER's complete output, you should not include in your analysis intervals that do not correspond to the quantity being observed.For example, you might well have something like 30 seconds, or more, between the time you started the program and the time you started your 'quick clicks'. You would not report that as one of your intervals. You might have a number of lapses between sequences of quick clicks, and you might have made an extra click after finishing the quick-click sequence. These long intervals would not be reported in your frequency distribution.

No response to this note is necessary; in general unless a response is specifically requested it is entirely optional.

** Your general comment to this point **

Have I completed all of the tasks correctly thus far?

** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **

On the 10 intervals I've shown you, do you really think I managed to get a time of .1875 seconds, accurate to 4 significant figures, on half of the intervals?

(This seemed very confusing to me)

I believe the TIMER program reported that time so frequently because of the close approximation in times.

However, it could also represent a glitch in the program because in my data count an interval did appear 4 times and three seperate intervals each appeared twice.

** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **

Upon first glance I notice a pattern of negative numbers. Also I see a pattern of 1563 appearing in numerous cases. and also 15625.

** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **











** Your general comment to this point: **

I know the instructions said to take relaxed breaths but I was unable to become completely relaxed because im stressed with life :) However, i did my best!

it looks like you relaxed a bit in the process, with increasing times; however on the first day of the term I can certainly identify with you about stress.

** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **

Because the relaxed breathing made a difference on the time intervals.

** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **

I believe answer C or D could be accurate because in the data above most of the intervals/numbers were identical in terms of .0001second.

** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **

series of regular breaths time at beginning on inhalation

event number clock time time interval

1 3057.598 3057.598

2 3062.363 4.765625

3 3067.16 4.796875

4 3072.379 5.21875

5 3078.258 5.878906

6 3084.676 6.417969

7 3091.645 6.96875

8 3096.172 4.527344

9 3099.758 3.585938

10 3106.828 7.070313

** **

This assignment took me approximately 1 hour

** **

I hope I completed everything correctly. In the event that I did not please let me know what I need to redo so that I may correct it and submit it efficiently.

Good work overall. See my notes and please respond as indicated.