Your work on understanding first assignments has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
Your Menu
Responses to your emails and to work submitted through the form will posted, in the order received. This document will provide a menu of your responses. Each response will be indicated by the date on which it is posted, and the title you have given it.
I have NOW finished my Preliminary Assignments with the last to be submitted this evening with the rest of the work I am going to complete today. The communication link should be the only preliminary assignment that has not been submitted.
YES I received some of these notes, and I will say that I was so desparately trying to get through the orientation and prelim exercises that I didn't take the time on some of the questions to critique my answers or to provide added details to my solutions. I learned a lot of what you were wanting when I completed my communication prelim today, I am going to try and be far more specific!
Week 01: Week of 01/16/06 - 01/22/06. Assignments 0, 1 and associated class notes
See also Class Notes #01 and #02.
This means to click on the link (the words Class Notes in the preceding sentence are a link), locate Class Notes 1 and 2 and read them. However the video links aren't active on that version. So you should:
Go to your CD or DVD and run it according to instructions given in the Orientation (it's CD #2; see the link in Prelim Assignments entitled CD Contents). You can locate Class Notes #01 and #02 there; and the video links work.
Run and submit using the Submit Work form the SEND**** file created by the q_a_ program for Assignment 1.
Be sure you have downloaded the q_a_ program from the Supervised Study page, under Course Documents, Downloads, Precalculus I. Its title is q_a_pc1_1_15, and it applies to the first 15 assignments in your course. Another q_a_ for the remaining assignments will be posted before you have completed Assignment 15.
Distance Students: Note that CD's contain class notes with video clips, starting with CD #2.
Suggested Review: Text Sections 1.1 and 1.2, if necessary
Read and think about Introduction to Central Themes; Examples
Do the Introductory Flow Experiment and conduct the experiment; you do not yet need to go to the documents referred to at the end of the experiment, but you do need to answer the questions posed in the experiment.
If you wish to use simulated data for this experiment, go to Randomized Problems, choose Precalculus I and choose Simulated Data for Flow Experiment.
Distance Students: View Precalculus material on GEN 1 CD and ponder questions posed in documentation.
Run the GEN1 CD as instructed. The html page that runs the CD will give you a menu clearly delineating Precalculus material from Calculus and Physics material.
When you have completed the entire assignment run the Query program and submit the resulting SEND file using the Submit Work Form. The Query program was downloaded in your Orientation and its filename begins with the word Query.
Randomized Problems Class Notes #01 and #02. Introduction to Central Themes; Examples Introductory Flow Experiment
links to each class notes; central concepts of precal and understanding the topic; the step by step instructions of a flow experiment and why it is useful to compare ideas with real world concepts; instead of actually doing the experiment you can go to randomized problems and use simulated problems to get your understanding of the experiment.
Run and submit using the Submit Work form the SEND**** file created by the q_a_ program for Assignment 1. Be sure you have downloaded the q_a_ program from the Supervised Study page, under Course Documents, Downloads, Precalculus I. Its title is q_a_pc1_1_15, and it applies to the first 15 assignments in your course. Another q_a_ for the remaining assignments will be posted before you have completed Assignment 15.
When you have completed the entire assignment run the Query program and submit the resulting SEND file using the Submit Work Form. The Query program was downloaded in your Orientation and its filename begins with the word Query.
I don't know what you are wanting here...this is confusing to me and need to know the response! TY
Let me know if I'm wrong. I believe this question is related to the Query and qa programs; the report I get from the form isn't very clear on which answer goes with which question.
Assuming I'm right, this goes back to Orientation Part III, and you should review the parts of that orientation related to Query and q_a_ files. You correctly listed the files when you did part iii of the orientation, so I believe you have them.
To run the Query or the q_a_, you do the same thing you did to complete the q_a_prelim, and submit the SEND file. You simply enter the number of the assignment when prompted to do so, and everything works as with the q_a_prelim.
However, a review of your work does not show that you completed Orientation Part I. That could be the problem. Go back and run through that part of the Orientation, and submit it. Only takes 10-15 minutes. If that doesn't clarify things let me know.
Read and think about Introduction to Central Themes; Examples
submit questions in Word processed form using the Submit Work form. include brief description of problem and describe my thinking on the problem and explain what you do and don't underdstand and if you have attempted a solution to no avail...tell you what that was and the outcome.
notes while doing a q_a assignment should be jotted down to keep for future questions because the solutions usually span numerous questions, not just that one. Also, some things just can't be done on keyboard.
Please let me know if you have any questions related to this orientation assignment.