Assign 21

course Mth 163

maybe I'm just tired .. but this doesn't look like it is sending my whole file???? let me know... thank you . ./ also ... please let me know on this assignment or by email listed above ... what I still have to do to finish and pass this class ... I am supposed to grad this semester and I don't know that I am going to be able to complete all the work for this class. I hate to hurt my GPA ... but I need to know the most I can complete in Online Pre Cal to pass ... this has been tough .. as I'm sure you know by now!!! thank you

Your work has been received. Please scroll through the document to see any inserted notes (inserted at the appropriate place in the document, in boldface) and a note at the end. The note at the end of the file will confirm that the file has been reviewed; be sure to read that note. If there is no note at the end, notify the instructor through the Submit Work form, and include the date of the posting to your access page.

.6: 4.0556 .8: 3.03125 1: 2.5 1.2: 2.1805 1.4: 1.96939 I would appreciate if you’d give me some help with this one. I checked my notes and I don’t see what formula to use.


00:08:25 ** The quadratic approximation to 1/x is the second-degree Taylor polynomial P2(x) = 1 - (x - 1) + (x - 1)^2. A table of values of 1/x, P2(x) and P2(x) - 1/x: x 1/x P2(x) P2(x) - 1/x .6 1.666666666 1.56 - 0.1066666666 .8 1.25 1.24 - 0.01 1.2 0.8333333333 0.84, 0.006666666666 1.4 0.7142857142 0.76 0.04571428571. A graph of appoximation error vs. x decreases at a decreasing rate to 0 at x = 1, then increases at an increasing rate for x > 1. This shows how the accuracy of the approximation decreases as we move away from x = 1. The graph of approximation error vs. x gets greater as we move away from x = 1.**


RESPONSE --> I'm still having trouble understandingthe quadratic formula that you used to get the error and my approximations didn't come out the same...any words of wisdom???


Apparently you didn't copy the entire SEND file into the box. Give that another try so I can see the rest of your work on this assignment.

Your grade will be mostly determine by your average on the Major Quiz, the two tests and the final.

A quadratic function is a polynomial of degree 2. We started the course by studying quadratic functions, which have the form y = a x^2 + b x + c.

A quadratic approximation is a degree-2 polynomial approximation.

The Taylor approximation for y = 1 / x is given on the worksheet. A quadratic approximation includes all terms up through the squared term, which gives you

P2(x) = 1 - (x - 1) + (x - 1)^2.

Plugging x = .6, .8, 1.2, 1.4 into this approximation gives you the values indicated in the table above. These approximations are close to, but not exactly the same as, the values of 1 / x obtained for the same x values.