question form

PHY 202

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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I have started into Step 8 of the orientation. I should be getting several of those QA's out tonight (9/28). I have a better schedule at work now so putting in time on this course is going to be a HIGH priority. I have had PHY 202 at DCC so I am familiar with the material. I hope to be able to catch up quickly with my experience. I was wondering if notification for re-enrollment, or a complete drop would be sent via email or USPS?


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You should have received my email about reinstatement, with a reference to the form you'll need to submit (shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes).

Let me know if you didn't get the message or can't locate that form.