

course Mth 163

I apologize for the inconvenience; however, I have sent three emails, and haven't received a response. I am concerned that maybe my emails have not went through. I have read over the syllabus, and wanted to make sure that the tests, quizzes, and exams are graded assignments. I would like to know if this is the only material we will be graded on? Or if the assignments are also graded? Thanks.


Note that questions should always be submitted by form before they are sent by email. The form is reliable; email is not.

In any case I'm glad to answer your question.

Work you submit via these forms goes into your portfolio, at your access page. Individual assignments are not graded, but your portfolio is evaluated at the end of the term and counts as your homework/participation grade. This grade is counted as indicated in your course of study.

In the end, I reserve the right to make judgement calls, and usually choose not to give a student a grade lower than his or her test average. More commonly the homework-participation average allows me to give students who are close to, but below the cutoff test average final grades that are higher than their test average would indicate.
