Query Assignment 25

course Phy 202


If anything is not clear let me know, and include as many specifics as possible.

Physics II 11-02-2005


08:30:32 Query Gen Phy 16.15 charges 6 microC on diagonal corners, -6 microC on other diagonal corners of 1 m square; force on each. What is the magnitude and direction of the force on the positive charge at the lower left-hand corner?


RESPONSE --> The force of the charges that lie one meter apart is .324 Newtons. The charges that are alike exert a force of .162 Newtons. So the charge at the lower left hand corner has a force of .324 N to the right and upward. It has a force of .162 N down to the left.



08:35:27 ** The charges which lie 1 meter apart are unlike and therefore exert attractive forces; these forces are each .324 Newtons. This is calculated using Coulomb's Law: F = 9 * 10^9 N m^2/C^2 * ( 6 * 10^-6 C) * ( 6 * 10^-6 C) / ( 1 m)^2 = 324 * 10^-3 N = .324 N. Charges across a diagonal are like and separated by `sqrt(2) meters = 1.414 meters, approx, and exert repulsive forces of .162 Newtons. This repulsive force is calculated using Coulomb's Law: F = 9 * 10^9 N m^2/C^2 * ( 6 * 10^-6 C) * ( 6 * 10^-6 C) / ( 1.414 m)^2 = 162 * 10^-3 N = .162 N. The charge at the lower left-hand corner therefore experiences a force of .324 Newtons to the right, a force of .324 Newtons straight upward and a force of .162 Newtons at 45 deg down and to the left (at angle 225 deg with respect to the standard positive x axis, which we take as directed toward the right). This latter force has components Fy = .162 N sin(225 deg) = -.115 N, approx, and Fx = .162 N cos(225 deg) = -.115 N. The total force in the x direction is therefore -.115 N + .324 N = .21 N, approx; the total force in the y direction is -.115 N + .324 N = .21 N, approx. Thus the net force has magnitude `sqrt( (.21 N)^2 + (.21 N)^2) = .29 N at an angle of tan^-1( .21 N / .21 N) = tan^-1(1) = 45 deg. The magnitude and direction of the force on the negative charge at the lower right-hand corner is obtained by a similar analysis, which would show that this charge experiences forces of .324 N to the left, .324 N straight up, and .162 N down and to the right. The net force is found by standard vector methods to be about .29 N up and to the left. **


RESPONSE --> I understand how to find the forces using Coulomb's Law. Also I understand that the force has componenets Fy = .162 N sin(225 deg) = -.115 N and Fx = .162 N cos(225 deg) = -.115 N. So the total force in the x direction is -.115 N + .324 N = .21 N, the total force in the y direction is -.115 N + .324 N = .21 N. So the net force would have a magnitude of `sqrt( (.21 N)^2 + (.21 N)^2) = .29 N at an angle of tan^-1( .21 N / .21 N) = tan^-1(1) = 45 deg.



08:53:31 query univ 21.68 (22.52 10th edition) 5 nC at the origin, -2 nC at (4 cm, 0). If 6 nC are placed at (4cm, 3cm), what are the components of the resulting force?


RESPONSE --> dna



09:03:36 ** The 5 nC charge lies at distance sqrt( 4^2 + 3^2) cm from the 6 nC charge, which is 3 cm from the charge at (4 cm ,0). The force exerted on the 6 nC charge by the two respective forces have magnitudes .00011 N and .00012 N respectively. The x and y components of the force exerted by the charge at the origin are in the proportions 4/5 and 3/5 to the total charge, giving respective components .000086 N and .000065 N. The force exerted by the charge at (4 cm, 0) is in the negative y direction. So the y component of the resultant are .000065 N - .00012 N = -.000055 N and its x component is .000086 N. **


RESPONSE --> dna



09:03:39 Query univ 21.76 (10th edition 22.60) quadrupole (q at (0,a), (0, -a), -2q at origin). For y > a what is the magnitude and direction of the electric field at (0, y)?


RESPONSE --> dna



09:03:42 ** The magnitude of the field due to the charge at a point is k q / r^2. For a point at coordinate y on the y axis, for y > a, we have distances r = y-a, y+a and y. The charges at these distances are respectively q, q and -2q. So the field is k*q/(y - a)^2 + k*q/(y + a)^2 - 2k*q/y^2 = 2*k*q*(y^2 + a^2)/((y + a)^2*(y - a)^2) - 2*k*q/y^2 = 2*k*q* [(y^2 + a^2)* y^2 - (y+a)^2 ( y-a)^2) ] / ( y^2 (y + a)^2*(y - a)^2) = 2*k*q* [y^4 + a^2 y^2 - (y^2 - a^2)^2 ] / ( y^2 (y + a)^2*(y - a)^2) = 2*k*q* [y^4 + a^2 y^2 - y^4 + 2 y^2 a^2 - a^4 ] / ( y^2 (y + a)^2*(y - a)^2) = 2*k*q* [ 3 a^2 y^2 - a^4 ] / ( y^2 (y + a)^2*(y - a)^2) . For large y the denominator is close to y^6 and the a^4 in the numerator is insignifant compared to a^2 y^2 so the expression becomes 6 k q a^2 / y^4, which is inversely proportional to y^4. **


RESPONSE --> dna



09:03:45 query univ 22.102 annulus in yz plane inner radius R1 outer R2, charge density `sigma.What is a total electric charge on the annulus?


RESPONSE --> dna



09:03:48 ** The total charge on the annulus is the product Q = sigma * A = sigma * (pi R2^2 - pi R1^2). To find the field at distance x along the x axis, due to the charge in the annulus, we first find the field due to a thin ring of charge: The charge in a thin ring of radius r and ring thickness `dr is the product `dQ = 2 pi r `dr * sigma of ring area and area density. From any small segment of this ring the electric field at a point of the x axis would be directed at angle arctan( r / x ) with respect to the x axis. By either formal trigonometry or similar triangles we see that the component parallel to the x axis will be in the proportion x / sqrt(x^2 + r^2) to the magnitude of the field from this small segment. By symmetry only the x component of the field will remain when we sum over the entire ring. So the field due to the ring will be in the same proportion to the expression k `dQ / (x^2 + r^2). Thus the field due to this thin ring will be magnitude of field due to thin ring: k `dQ / (x^2 + r^2) * x / sqrt (x^2 + r^2) = 2 pi k r `dr * x / (x^2 + r^2)^(3/2). Summing over all such thin rings, which run from r = R1 to r = R2, we obtain the integral magnitude of field = integral ( 2 pi k r x / (x^2 + r^2)^(3/2) with respect to r, from R1 to R2). Evaluating the integral we find that magnitude of field = 2* pi k *x* | 1 /sqrt(x^2 + r1^2) - 1 / sqrt(x^2 + r2^2) | The direction of the field is along the x axis. If the point is close to the origin then x is close to 0 and x / sqrt(x^2 + r^2) is approximately equal to x / r, for any r much larger than x. This is because the derivative of x / sqrt(x^2 + r^2) with respect to x is r^2 / (x^2+r^2)^(3/2), which for x = 0 is just 1/r, having no x dependence. So at small displacement `dx from the origin the field strength will just be some constant multiple of `dx. **


RESPONSE --> dna

