Assingment 08


course PHY 232

If your solution to stated problem does not match the given solution, you should self-critique per instructions at


Your solution, attempt at solution:

If you are unable to attempt a solution, give a phrase-by-phrase interpretation of the

problem along with a statement of what you do or do not understand about it. This response

should be given, based on the work you did in completing the assignment, before you look at

the given solution.

008. `query 7


Question: Query set 5 problems 16-20

explain how we calculate the average force exerted by a particle of mass m moving at speed

v which collides at a time interval `dt elastically and at a right angle with a solid wall


Your Solution:

We can calculate the average force by dividing the change in momentum by time interval.

Lets assume we have X particles then this can be used as follows;


confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** The impulse exerted on a particle in a collision is the change in the momentum of that

particle during a collision.

The impulse-momentum theorem says that the change in momentum in a collision is equal to

the impulse, the average force * the time interval between collisions.

The average force is thus change in momentum / time interval; the time interval is the

round-trip distance divided by the velocity, or 2L / v so the average force is -2 m v / (

2L / v) = m v^2 / L

If there were N such particles the total average force would be N * m v^2 / L

If the directions are random we distribute the force equally over the 3 dimensions of space

and for one direction we get get 1/3 the force found above, or 1/3 N * m v^2 / L.

This 3-way distribution of force is related to the fact that for the average velocity

vector we have v^2 = vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2, where v is average magnitude of velocity and vx,

vy and vz the x, y and z components of the velocity (more specifically the rms averages--

the square root of the average of the squared components). **


I'm not sure why you multiply the velocity by 2. I understand multiplying the distance by 2

to make the

round trip.


The given solution doesn't multiply the velocity by 2. The solution does, however, involve

change in momentum and that results in a factor of 2.

The momentum changes from + m v to - m v when the particle bounces off the wall. The change

in momentum is

change in momentum = final momentum - initial momentum = -mv - mv = - 2 mv.

The 2 in -2 m v results from a subtraction, not a doubling.

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution is well detailed and explains the solution to the problem better.

Your Self-Critique Rating: Ok


Be sure you also understand why the change in momentum for each collision has magnitude 2 m v.



Question: Summarize the relationship between the thermal energy that goes into the

system during a cycle, the work done by the system during a cycle, and the thermal energy

removed or dissipated during the cycle.


Your Solution:

Bassically the relationship is very simple the thermail energy in is equal to the work

done by system plus the thermal energy out.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** Work-energy is conserved within an isolated system. So the thermal energy that goes

into the system must equal the total of the work done by the system and the thermal energy

removed from the system. What goes in must come out, either in the form of work or thermal

energy. **

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution has the same approach as my answer.

Your Self-Critique Rating: Ok


Question: If you know the work done by a thermodynamic system during a cycle and the

thermal energy removed or dissipated during the cycle, how would you calculate the

efficiency of the cycle?


Your Solution:

Bassically you will first find work by taking the Qin-Qout after which divide the result by

the Qin to obtain the efficiency of the cycle.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** STUDENT SOLUTION: Efficiency is work done / energy input. Add the amount thermal

energy removed to the amount of work done to get the input. Then, divide work by the

energy input. **

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution has the same reasult as mine although slightly explained different.

Your Self-Critique Rating:


Question: prin phy and gen phy problem 15.2, cylinder with light frictionless piston atm

pressure, 1400 kcal added, volume increases slowly from 12.0 m^3 to 18.2 m^3. Find work

and change in internal energy.


Your Solution:

To calculate the work done we take the pressure and multiply by the change in volume as



and since we were given the number of cal added we can find the thermal energy added to the

system as follows;



1400kcal*4184Joules=5.86*10^6J of thermal energy added into the system.

Therefore to fing the Qin=dw+Qout


confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

Work done at constant pressure is P `dV, so the work done in this situation is

`dW = P `dV = 1 atm * (18.2 m^3 - 12 m^3) = (101.3 * 10^3 N/m^2) * (6.2 m^3) = 630 * 10^3 N

* m = 6.3 * 10^5 J.

A total of 1400 kcal = 1400 * 4200 J = 5.9 * 10^6 J of thermal energy is added to the

system, the change in internal energy is

`dU = `dQ - `dW = 5.9*10^6 J - 6.3 * 10^5 J = 5.9 * 10^6 J - .63 * 10^6 J = 5.3 * 10^6 J.

It is worth thinking about the P vs. V graph of this process. The pressure P remains

constant at 101.3 * 10^3 J as the volume changes from 12 m^3 to 18.2 m^3, so the graph will

be a straight line segment from the point (12 m^3, 101.3 * 10^3 J) to the point (18.2 m^3,

101.3 * 10^3 J). This line segment is horizontaland the region above the horizontal axis

and beneath the segment is a rectangle whose width is 6.2 * 10^3 m^3 and whose altitude is

101.3 * 10^3 N/m^2; its area is therefore the product of its altitude and width, which is

6.3 * 10^5 N m, or 6.3 * 10^5 J, the same as the word we calculated above.


My answer was way off, but I see where I made my mistake. I didn’t convert the m^3 into

Joules. Is (101.3 x 10^3 N/m^2) the conversion factor for m^3 into Joules??


You calculated the right quantities, but you didn't use compatible units.

m^3 measures volume, Joules measure work\energy.

The units of your calculation 1atm * (18.2m^3 - 12.0 m^3) = 6.2 m^3 don't make sense. The

units of this calculation would be atm * m^3, not m^3.

It's hard to make sense of the unit atm * m^3, but 1 atm = 101.3 kPa or 101 300 Pa, which

is 101 300 N / m^2.

Your calculation should therefore have been

1atm * (18.2m^3 - 12.0 m^3) = 101 300 N/m^2 * (18.2 m^3 - 12.0 m^3).

The units will come out N * m, which is Joules.

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution had the same idea although the units were wrong.

Your Self-Critique Rating:Ok


Question: prin phy and gen phy problem 15.5, 1.0 L at 4.5 atm isothermally expanded

until pressure is 1 atm then compressed at const pressure to init volume, final heated to

return to original volume. Sketch and label graph.


Your Solution:

I did a sketch of the graph on a seperate sheet of paper where i converted my data as







From ideal gas law where PV=nRT we know that PV is constant so i plotted a P vs V graph

which i obtained a linear plot.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

When a confined ideal gas is expanded isothermally its pressure and volume change, while

the number of moled and the temperature remain constant. Since PV = n R T, it follows that

P V remains constant.

In the initial state P = 4.5 atm and V = 1 liter, so P V = 4.5 atm * 1 liter = 4.5 atm *

liter (this could be expressed in standard units since 1 atm = 101.3 kPa = 101.3 * 10^3

N/m^2 and 1 liters = .001 m^3, but it's more convenient to first sketch and label the graph

in units of atm and liters). During the isothermal expansion, therefore, since P V remains

constant we have

P V = 4.5 atm liters. At a pressure of 1 atm, therefore, the volume will be V = 4.5 atm

liter / P = 4.5 atm liter / (1 atm) = 4.5 liters.

The graph follows a curved path from (1 liter, 4.5 atm) to (4.5 liters, 1 atm).

At the gas is compressed at constant pressure back to its initial 1 liter volume, the

pressure remains constant so the graph follows a horizontal line from (4.5liters, 1 atm) to

(1 liter, 1 atm). Note that this compression is accomplished by cooling the gas, or

allowing it to cool.

Finally the gas is heated at constant volume until its pressure returns to 4.5 atm. The

constant volume dictates that the graph follow a vertical line from (1 liter, 1 atm) back

to (4.5 liters, 1 atm).

The graph could easily be relabeled to usestandard metric units.

1 atm = 101.3 kPa = 101.3 * 10^3 Pa = 101.3 * 10^3 N/m^2, so

4.5 atm = 4.5 * 101.3 * 10^3 Pa = 4.6 * 10^3 Pa = 4.6 * 10^3 N/m^2.

1 liter = .001 m^3 so 4.5 liters = 4.5 m^3.

Since P V = 4.5 atm liters, P = 4.5 atm liters / V. This is of the form P = c / V, with c

a constant. For positive values of V, this curve descendsfrom a vertical asymptote with

the vertical axis (the V axis) through the point (1, c) then approaches a horizontal

asymptote with the horizontal axis. For c = 4.5 atm liters, the curve therefore passes

through the point (1 liter, 4.5 atm). As we have seen it also passes through (4.5 liters,

1 atm).

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution is well detailed and describes more depth about the graph than i did on

my solution.

Your Self-Critique Rating: Ok


Question: gen phy problem 15.12, a-c curved path `dW = -35 J, `dQ = -63 J; a-b-c `dW =

- 48 J

gen phy how much thermal energy goes into the system along path a-b-c and why?

Your Solution:

So this deals with energy we refer to the equation


where dQ will be energy in

dw will be work

The problem gives us some of the numbers we need so we can substitute and start by finding

the energy along path c by solving


And since the energy in the system at c will be the same with the energy at a or b we can

therefore say removed energy will be obtrained by dQ=du+dQ=-28J-48J=-76J

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** I'll need to look at the graph in the text to give a reliably correct answer to this

question. However the gist of the argument goes something like this:

`dQ is the energy transferred to the system, `dW the work done by the system along the

path. Along the curved path the system does -35 J of work and -63 J of thermal energy is

added--meaning that 35 J of work are done on the system and the system loses 63 J of

thermal energy.

If a system gains 35 J of energy by having work done on it while losing 63 J of thermal

energy, its internal energy goes down by 28 J (losing thermal energy take internal energy

from the system, doing work would take energy from the system so doing negative work adds

energy to the system). So between a and c along the curved path the system loses 28 J of

internal energy.

In terms of the equation, `dU = `dQ - `dW = -63 J -(-35 J) = -28 J.

It follows that at point c, the internal energy of the system is 28 J less than at point a,

and this will be the case no matter what path is followed from a to c.

Along the path a-b-c we have -48 J of work done by the system, which means that the system

tends to gain 48 J in the process, while as just observed the internal energy goes down by

28 Joules. The system therefore have `dQ = `dU + `dW = -28 J + (-48 J) = -76 J, and 76 J

of internal energy must be removed from the system.**


I don’t understand the transition from the first step in which we found the work of the

system and the

energy not used and then the second part where you combine this thermal energy with the

work done in the second part

of the system. Why would you combine energy lost to work done?


During a complete cycle, energy is put into the system. The cycle ends in the same energy

state as it began. So the energy put into the system has to go somewhere; it isn't retained

by the system.

Some of this energy is converted to mechanical work. Whatever isn't converted to mechanical

work has to be removed from the system (for example, as exhaust).


I really just guessed on this problem. I figured that if the problem gave me the info to

find ‘dU, I might as well find it. But I didn’t really think that the ‘dU for a-c would

also serve as the ‘dU for a-b-c.


The internal energy of a system is purely a function of its state. So when we go from state

a to state c, it doesn't matter how we get there, the change in internal energy is the


The amount of thermal energy required to take the system from one state to another varies

with the path, because different paths correspond to different amounts of work done on or

by the system.

The amount of thermal energy required is equal to the change in the internal energy of the

system, plus the work done by the system:

`dQ = `dW + `dU.

Your Self-Critique:

I think the given solution is well detailed but i had trouble understanding the flow

through the paths being the same.

Your Self-Critique Rating:Ok


Question: gen phy How are the work done by the system, the thermal energy added to the

system and the change in the internal energy of the system related, and what is this

relationship have to do with conservation of energy?


Your Solution:

When it comes to a system the internal energy is the total energy contained by the system,

while the increase in internal energy is equal to the total heat and work done by the


confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** If a system does work it tends to reduce internal energy, so `dW tends to decrease `dU.

If thermal energy is added to the system `dQ tends to increase `dU. This leads to the

conclusion that `dU = `dQ - `dW. Thus for example if `dW = -48 J and `dU = -28 J, `dQ =

`dU + `dW = -28 J + -48 J = -76 J. **

Your Self-Critique:

Given solution has a similar approach but same idea.

Your Self-Critique Rating:Ok


Question: gen phy How does the halving of pressure caused a halving of the magnitude of

the work, and why is the work positive instead of negative as it was in the process a-b-c?


Your Solution:

When it comes to work if the pressure is halved then the area will be halved because they

are both related in a way as W=PV and work is the area under the pressure vs volume curve.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** Work is the area under the pressure vs. volume curve. If you have half the pressure

between two volumes the graph has half the altitude, which leads to half the area.

The 'width' of a region is final volume - initial volume. If the direction of the process

is such that final volume is less than initial volume (i.e., going 'backwards', in the

negative x direction) then with 'width' is negative and the area is negative. **

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution has a similar apporoach to my solution.

Your Self-Critique Rating:Ok


Question: query univ phy problem (not in 12th edition; solve using the statement of

the problem given here) 11th edition 19.56 (17.40 10th edition)

In a compressed air engine, input pressure is 1.6 * 10^6 Pa, output pressure is 2.8 * 10^5

Pa. Assume the process to be adiabatic.

If we are to avoid frost forming on the output valve, which occurs if the temperature of

the exiting air is below freezing, what must be the temperature of the compressed air?


Your Solution:

We know the adiabatic process involves no heat gained or lost by the system, therefore

since we are given Pin=P1=1.6*10^6 Pa and Pout=P2=2.8*10^5 Pa we can find the compressed

temp as follows


Then T2=P2V2/nR=273K to avoid frosting

so T1=P1V1/nR=(P1V1)(273k)/(P2V2)=(P1/P2)(V1/V2)(273K)



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** For an adiabatic process in an ideal gas you know that PV = nRT and PV^`gamma is


You are given P1 and P2, and you want T2 > 273 K to prevent formation of frost.

Assume T2 = P2 V2 / (n R) = 273 K and n R = (P2 V2) / 273 K .

Then T1 = P1 V1 / (n R) = P1 V1 * 273 K / (P2 V2) = (P1 / P2) * (V1 / V2) * 273 K.

Since PV^`gamma = constant it follows that V1 / V2 = (P2 / P1)^(1/`gamma) = (P1 / P2)^(-


Thus T1 = (P1 / P2) ( P1 / P2)^(-1/`gamma) * 273 K = (P1 / P2)^(1 - 1/`gamma) = (P1 / P2)^

(1-1/1.4) * 273 K = (P1 / P2)^.29 * 273 K = 5.6^.29 * 273 K = 443 K, approx. **


i see how we substitute this expression for v1/v2. not why there is ^(1-1/gamma)


gamma = c_p / c_v, the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to specific heat at

constant volume.

Molar specific heat for an ideal monatomic or diatomic gas is 1/2 R per degree of freedom

at constant volume, plus R if the expansion is at constant pressure.

PV^`gamma = constant. Doing the algebra:

P1 V1^gamma = P2 V2^gamma so

(V1 / V2)^gamma = P2 / P1. Taking the 1 / gamma power of both sides

V1 / V2 = (P2 / P1)^(1/`gamma)

1 / ((P2 / P1)^(1/`gamma) ) = (P1 / P2)^(-1/`gamma) since the reciprocal of a power is the

negative power.


(P1 / P2) ( P1 / P2)^(-1/`gamma)

= (P1 / P2)^1 * ( P1 / P2)^(-1/`gamma)

= ( P1 / P2)^(1 -1/`gamma) (just adding the exponents of the two like bases)


If find the idea of 'gamma' to be difficult.


At one level, you simply need to know that an adiabatic expansion is characterized by P

V^gamma = constant.

You should understand that during an adiabatic expansion, since some of the internal energy

is used to do the work of

expansion, the temperature decreases. Thus P, V and T all change.

If only P and V changed, then P V would be constant.

Since T also changes, we can not say that PV remains constant.

The notes and your text explain the derivation of the formula and the reason for gamma.

Basically gamma depends on what

fraction of the internal energy of the gas resides in its translational motion, and what

fraction in rotational. It's the

changes in translational momentum that provide the force for the expansion.

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution is okay but as far as the gamma coming into place confuses me alittle


In an adiabatic process no thermal energy enters or leaves the gas.

All three of the quantities P, V and T typically change.

You are given only the two pressures and the minimum necessary output temperature. You don't know how the three-variable combination P, V and T changes; there are many combinations of V and T that could result in the given conditions.

The fact that the process is adiabatic simplifies provides the information necessary to answer the question, giving us the relationship involving P and V without having to worry about T.

P V^gamma is constant, so knowing the ratio of pressures we can find the ratio of volumes.

Knowing this we can finally find the temperature ratio.



Your Self-Critique Rating:Ok


Question: query univ 19.64 / 19.62 (17.46 10th edition) .25 mol oxygen 240 kPa 355 K.

Isobaric to double vol, isothermal back, isochoric to original pressure.


Your Solution:

From ideal gas law we obtain PV=nRT

If we re-arrange to solve for V=nRT/P=(0.25mol)(8.31J/mol k)(335K)/(2.4*10^5 N/m^2)



Also when its compressing isothermally the volume is half hence giving a max pressure

therefore P=2*240Kpa=480kPa=480000Pa

Hence to obtain the work we have to intergrate P dV and perform antiderivative n R T ln |V|

dw=n R T ln 1/2=0.25mol*8.31J/mol k*710k*(-.7)=-1033J

Therefore W=720-1033=-313J

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** .25 mol oxygen at 240 kPa occupies about V = n R T / P = .25 mol * 8.31 J / (mol K) *

355 K / (2.4 * 10^5 N/m^2) = .003 m^3, very approximately.

Doubling volume, `dV = 2 * V - V = V = .003 m^2 and P = 2.4 * 10^5 Pa so P `dv = 700 J,

very approximately.

During isothermal compression we have n = const and T = const so P = n R T / V.

Compressing to half the volume, since PV = const, gets us to double the pressure, so max

pressure is 2 * 240 kPA = 480 kPa.

To get work we integrate P dV. Integral of P dV is calculated from antiderivative n R T ln

| V |; integrating between V1 and V2 we have n R T ln | V2 | - n R T ln | V1 | = n R T ln |

V2 / V1 |. In this case V2 = V and V1 = 2 V so V2 / V1 = 1/2 and we have `dW = n R T ln

(1/2) = .25 mol * 8.31 J/(mol K) * 710 K * (-.7) = -1000 J, approx.

So net work is about 700 J - 1000 J = -300 J **

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution is well detailed and explaines lengthly how to obtain the reasult.

Your Self-Critique Rating:Ok


Question: univ phy describe your graph of P vs. V


Your Solution:

When it comes to the pressure vs Volume graph the curve begins at the highest volume level

and the begining pressure level and drifts to the right whereby the pressure increases as

the the volume decreases.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** The graph proceeds horizontally to the right from original P and V to doubled V, then to

the left along a curve that increases at an incr rate as we move to the left (equation P =

2 P0 V0 / V) until we're just above the starting point, then vertically down to the

starting pt. **


I still had no idea after the explanation.


To understand this graph, do the following:

Sketch a graph of y = 1 / x, using, for example, x values .1, .5, 1, 2, 10. Having done so

it should not be difficult to understand the shape of this graph.

If you wanted to sketch the graph of y = 100 / x, you could use the same graph, and just

relabel your vertical axis (for example you would replace 1 with 100, 2 with 200, etc). Do


Now you can use the same graph for P = (2 P0 V0) / V. Instead of y, label the vertical

axis P. Instead of x, label the horizontal axis V. Relabel the vertical axis in terms of

your original x and y coordinates, multiplying each of your vertical coordinates by 2 P0.

Relabel the horizontal axis in terms of V, replacing 1 with V0, 2 with 2 V0, etc.. [ The

original coordinates of your five plotted points were (.1, 10), (.5, 2), (1, 1), (2, .5)

and (10, .1). Relabeled they would be (.1 V0, 20 P0), (.5 V0, 4 P0), (V0, 2 P0), (2 V0, .5

P0) and (10 V0, .1 P0) ]

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution has a different approach but a similar idea in explanation of the


Your Self-Critique Rating:Ok


Question: univ phy What is the temperature during the isothermal compression?


Your Solution:

If the temperature doubles then the pressure is constant and the volume doubles therefore

the compression will be the doubled temperature.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** If vol doubles at const pressure then temp doubles to 710 K, from which isothermal

compression commences. So the compression is at 710 K. **

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution has the same idea as my solution.

Your Self-Critique Rating:Ok


Question: univ phy What is the max pressure?


Your Solution:

Max pressure is the doubled pressure when the volume is halved at a constant temperature

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** It starts the isothermal at the original 240 kPa and its volume is halved at const temp.

So the pressure doubles to 480 kPa. **

Your Self-Critique:

The given solution has the same idea as mine.

Your Self-Critique Rating:0k"

Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:

Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:


&#Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions. &#