course Phy 121
I am having trouble with the system so I have tried to send the data several times. Hopefully this time will be successful.
equation requires that X - 2 and X + 4 be evalutated first.X - 2 / X + 4 = 5
Your work has been received. Please scroll through the document to see any inserted notes (inserted at the appropriate place in the document, in boldface) and a note at the end. The note at the end of the file will confirm that the file has been reviewed; be sure to read that note. If there is no note at the end, notify the instructor through the Submit Work form, and include the date of the posting to your access page.
(X-2)/(x+4) = 0
confidence assessment: 3
`q003. What is the numerator of the fraction in the expression x - 3 / [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] - 2 + 7x? What is the denominator? What do you get when you evaluate the expression for x = 2?
The numerator = 3
The denominator = (2x-5)^2*3x+1
confidence assessment: 2
I'm receiving data, but this does not look like the entire content of a SEND file for the exercise 1 of the qa initial problems exercise.. Open that SEND file again and be sure that you copy the entire contents into the Submit Work form.
If these are all the contents, then you should run that exercise again, and be sure you submit a response every time.
Has your work for Orientation Assignment 3 been posted? That's the one where you ran the q_a_prelim program. I don't see it on your page, and if you haven't run that program you need to do so in order to understand the sequence of events on a q_a_ program.
assignment #001
001. typewriter notation
qa initial problems
end of document
Your work has not been reviewed.
Please notify your instructor of the error, using the Submit Work form, and be sure to include the date 01-17-2007.
Good. Let me know if you have questions.