
Your 'cq_1_00.1' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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Which object did you choose and what were the three positions and the three clock times?

Roll of tape. 0in.@ 59.00; 1ft.@59.75; 1ft6in@60.00

If you did take observations of positions and clock times, how accurately do you think you could determine the positions, and how accurately do you think you would know the clock times?

I think that I could take a recordings that would be in a general area of good accuracy.

How can you use observations to determine whether the tape rolling along an incline is speeding up or slowing down?

You can calculate the time between a start position to a middle position to a third position and find out how much time it took to go that distance. You could determine its speed between the three points and determine if the roll is going faster in one or the their points.

How can you use your observations to determine whether the swinging pendulum is speeding up or slowing down?

You can calculate the time between a start position to a middle position to a third position and find out how much time it took to go that distance. You could determine its speed between the three points and determine if the pendulum is speeding up or slowing down in one or the their points.

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10-15 min.

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Sorry for the delay in beginning the course. I had complications with having my wisdom teeth being removed and was overloaded in work. This is solved now and I intend on picking up the slack very quickly to keep up with the pace of others. If you would allow me to do this I would be very grateful. Thanks.

Thanks for the note. I'll look forward to getting more of your work.

Youre responses here are very good.