Class Notes 070827
The function
gives us the instantaneous rate of change of period with
respect to length.The function
gives us the instantaneous rate of change of period with
respect to length.This function is derived by using a little moderately tricky
algebra to rearrange the expressionand determine its limiting value as `dL approaches 0.
We can relate this to graphs and to the algebra we did last
time.The function T ' (L) is called the derivative of T with
respect to L.If A is a function of B, then the derivative function A '
(B) represents the derivative of A with respect to B. This function gives the instantaneous rate of change of A with respect to B.Most of first-semester calculus is concerned with
finding formulas for calculating derivatives, and applying that knowledge to rate-of-change situations.The main functions we will analyze this semester are
combinations of linear, quadratic, power, trigonometric and exponential functions, and their inverse functions.Linear functions:
y = m x + b is standard form, where m is slope and b is
y-intercept.If we know two distinct points on a straight line there is
exactly one straight line containing those two points.Suppose the points are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
(x, y) is on the line if, and only if,
- (y - y1) / (x - x1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).
y - y1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1),
which you probably memorized as the two-point form of the
equation of a straight line.
Derivative of linear function:
`dy = y(x + `dx) - y(x) = m ( x + `dx) + b - ( m x + b) =
mx + m `dx + b - mx - b = m `dx.
So `dy / `dx = m, which doesn't change as `dx shrinks to 0.
ThusQuadratic functions:
The general form of a quadratic function is y(x) = a x^2 + b x
+ c.Let's go ahead and calculate the derivative function.
`dy = y(x + `dx) - y(x) = a ( x + `dx)^2 + b ( x + `dx) +
c - (a x^2 + bx + c).This simplifies easily enough. Note that (x + `dx)^2
= x^2 + 2 x `dx + `dx^2 and see if you agree with the following:`dy = (a x^2 + 2 a x `dx + a `dx^2 + b x + b `dx + c) - (a
x^2 + b x + c)= a x^2 + 2 a x `dx + a `dx^2 + b x + b `dx + c - a x^2 -
b x - c= 2 a x `dx + a `dx^2 + b `dx.
`dy / `dx = (2 a x `dx + a `dx^2 + b `dx) / `dx.
Being careful to avoid incorrect 'cancellation' we factor
`dx out of the numerator to get`dy / `dx = (2 a x + a `dx + b) * `dx / `dx, which
simplifies to just`dy / `dx = 2 a x + a `dx + b.
As | `dx | approaches 0, the term a `dx must also approach
zero (since a just a fixed number, we can make a `dx as small as we like by making `dx sufficiently small). Soas | `dx | -> 0, we have `dy / `dx -> 2 a x + b
and our derivative is therefore
y ' (x) = 2 a x + b.
For the quadratic function
y(x) = a x^2 + b x + c, the derivative function is
y ' (x) = 2 a x + b.
This derivative function tells us the instantaneous rate at
which y is changing with respect to x for any value of x. The value of this derivative function is equal to the corresponding slope of the graph of y vs. x.
Class Notes 070827
The function
gives us the instantaneous rate of change of period with
respect to length.The function
gives us the instantaneous rate of change of period with
respect to length.This function is derived by using a little moderately tricky
algebra to rearrange the expressionand determine its limiting value as `dL approaches 0.
We can relate this to graphs and to the algebra we did last
time.The function T ' (L) is called the derivative of T with
respect to L.If A is a function of B, then the derivative function A '
(B) represents the derivative of A with respect to B. This function gives the instantaneous rate of change of A with respect to B.Most of first-semester calculus is concerned with
finding formulas for calculating derivatives, and applying that knowledge to rate-of-change situations.The main functions we will analyze this semester are
combinations of linear, quadratic, power, trigonometric and exponential functions, and their inverse functions.Linear functions:
y = m x + b is standard form, where m is slope and b is
y-intercept.If we know two distinct points on a straight line there is
exactly one straight line containing those two points.Suppose the points are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
(x, y) is on the line if, and only if,
- (y - y1) / (x - x1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).
y - y1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1),
which you probably memorized as the two-point form of the
equation of a straight line.
Derivative of linear function:
`dy = y(x + `dx) - y(x) = m ( x + `dx) + b - ( m x + b) =
mx + m `dx + b - mx - b = m `dx.
So `dy / `dx = m, which doesn't change as `dx shrinks to 0.
ThusQuadratic functions:
The general form of a quadratic function is y(x) = a x^2 + b x
+ c.Let's go ahead and calculate the derivative function.
`dy = y(x + `dx) - y(x) = a ( x + `dx)^2 + b ( x + `dx) +
c - (a x^2 + bx + c).This simplifies easily enough. Note that (x + `dx)^2
= x^2 + 2 x `dx + `dx^2 and see if you agree with the following:`dy = (a x^2 + 2 a x `dx + a `dx^2 + b x + b `dx + c) - (a
x^2 + b x + c)= a x^2 + 2 a x `dx + a `dx^2 + b x + b `dx + c - a x^2 -
b x - c= 2 a x `dx + a `dx^2 + b `dx.
`dy / `dx = (2 a x `dx + a `dx^2 + b `dx) / `dx.
Being careful to avoid incorrect 'cancellation' we factor
`dx out of the numerator to get`dy / `dx = (2 a x + a `dx + b) * `dx / `dx, which
simplifies to just`dy / `dx = 2 a x + a `dx + b.
As | `dx | approaches 0, the term a `dx must also approach
zero (since a just a fixed number, we can make a `dx as small as we like by making `dx sufficiently small). Soas | `dx | -> 0, we have `dy / `dx -> 2 a x + b
and our derivative is therefore
y ' (x) = 2 a x + b.
For the quadratic function
y(x) = a x^2 + b x + c, the derivative function is
y ' (x) = 2 a x + b.
This derivative function tells us the instantaneous rate at
which y is changing with respect to x for any value of x. The value of this derivative function is equal to the corresponding slope of the graph of y vs. x.