collaborative labs


Phy 122

Your 'collaborative labs' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Collaborative Labs_labelMessages.txt **

3/31 6:30 pm

** **

Discuss your first idea. How do you think it might be tested? What sort of items do you think might be required? How do you think your idea might be tested?


How does size of air intake affect water out flow?

Using a 1 or 2 liter soda bottle with a water outlet hole of a specified size, and two air intake holes (one the same size as the water outlet hole and one half the size of the water outlet hole) high up in the container, measure how long it takes to drain the water in the bottle when the air intake hole that is 1/2 size is the only one open.

Repeat with only the same size intake hole.

Repeat with both intake holes open.

The would only require a liter bottle, a few tubes and a timer.

(This the the one I would prefer to do)


Discuss your second idea. How do you think it might be tested? What sort of items do you think might be required? How do you think your idea might be tested?


Compare flow rates of liquids of differing densities.

In a1 liter bottle with a single outlet hole/tube, compare the flow rate of water, to skim milk and vegetable oil.

In this experiment, we would keep the volume of each fluid to a minimum so that we are not wasting food.


Discuss your third idea. How do you think it might be tested? What sort of items do you think might be required? How do you think your idea might be tested?


Compare change in pressure to due temperature change in various liquids.

Using a 1 liter bottle with a cap and tube, measure how high a liquid moves up the tube when water at certain temperatures are surrounding the bottle (water from the tap, warm water from the tap, near boiling water)

Conduct experiment three times: once with water in the bottle, then with milk, then with vegetable oil)


Your instructor is trying to gauge the typical time spent by students on these activities. Please answer the following question as accurately as you can, understanding that your answer will be used only for the stated purpose and has no bearing on your grades:

Approximately how long did it take you to complete this activity?

30 minutes.


Copy your document into the box below, be sure you have filled in your name and other identifying information at the top of this form, and submit:


Very good ideas.

I'll get back to you soon, after receiving a few more responses.
