MTH 173
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** Question Form_labelMessages **
Week 3 Quiz 1 Question
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This question concerns the Week 3 Quiz 1, problem number 1.
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I understand the first part of the first question:
Determine the average rate of change of the function y(t) = .1 t 2 + -22 t + -58
But, the next part: between x and x + `d<= p=>x, leaves me a bit bewildered. What are the quotes for? Is there information missing or is this referring to some material I am not familiar with? It appears that there is information missing.
#### I am not sure what is meant by the expression: x and x + `d<= p=>x
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Please describe what is meant by the expression:
between x and x + `d<= p=>x
If you read that problem as presented on the page you will see that the expression in question is x + Delta-x, with the delta expressed as the Greek Delta (the triangle).
The notation we use for the Greek Delta is `d .
In copying from the webpage to a text editor the Delta-x usually appears as Dx. I copied the following from the webpage into this document for x + Delta-x.
x + Dx.
Again, the typewriter notation I use would be
x + `dx.
From the format of the question form you submitted it looks like you might be using html code. In any case your text editor appears to have represented this as
x + `d<= p=>x
The <=p=> would be an HTML tag.
However I'm not familiar with that tag. I also don't understand how the `d managed to appear, since it wasn't there in the original.
Whatever the explanation, the `d<=p=> should just be a `d so that the expression reads x + `dx, which is interpreted as x + Delta-x.