course mth 174 query 6.5 #8 Galileo: time for unif accel object to traverse dist is same as if vel was ave of init and final; put into symbols and show why true......!!!!!!!!...................................
03:13:46 how can you symbolically represent the give statement?
RESPONSE --> 'dt (At)= 'dy 'dt ((Vf -Vi)/2)= 'dy
03:19:09 How can we show that the statement is true?
RESPONSE --> By looking at a plot of the distance taveled vs time you will see a curving line of velocity, indicating a shorter distance traveled per second on the bottom, and a longer distance traveled per second on the top, this is a constant acceleration. If we graph the average velocity there will be no acceleration it will travel at a fixed velocity throughout the plot and the same amount of distance will be traveled in the same amount of time.
03:20:28 How can we use a graph to show that the statement is true?
RESPONSE --> By subtracting the areas above and below the average line to the changing velocity line, they will cancell each other out.
03:47:34 query problem 7.1.22 (3d edition #18) integral of `sqrt(cos(3t) ) * sin(3t)
RESPONSE --> (cos(3t) * sin(3t))^.5 by using the product rule and the chain rule i got (f'g +fg') g(x) * g'(x) (1/3 sin(3t) * sin (3t)) + (cos (3t) * -1/3 cos (3t) ^.5 * .7t^1.5
03:47:49 what did you get for the integral and how did you reason out your result?
RESPONSE --> by using the product rule and the chain rule.
03:53:29 query problem 7.1.20 (3d edition #21) antiderivative of x^2 e^(x^3+1)
RESPONSE --> x^2 e^(x^3+1) by using the chain rule and product rule again I got. ((x^3 / 3) e^(x3 +1) + (x^2 + ( e^(x^3 +1) * (x^4 /4 + 1x)))
03:53:47 what is the antiderivative?
RESPONSE --> see prevouse answer
03:54:41 What substitution would you use to find this antiderivative?
RESPONSE --> this one is similar but different in which you use the product and chain rules in different orders.
04:00:06 query problem 7.1.37 (3d edition #35) antiderivative of (t+1)^2 / t^2
RESPONSE --> (t+1)^2/ t^2 By using the product rule to replafce the quaotient rule, I got ((t+1t)^3 / 3) * (1 / t^3 / 3))
04:00:20 what is the antiderivative?
RESPONSE --> see prevous answer
04:01:22 What substitution would you use to find this antiderivative?
RESPONSE --> the product rule I used in place of the quatoent rule.
04:06:16 query 7.1.64 (3d edition #60). int(1/(t+7)^2, t, 1, 3)
RESPONSE --> 1 / (t+7) ^2 for the antiderivative i get 1 / (t +7t)^3 / 3 This situation involves a power function. The integral of 1/u is ln(u) but the integral of 1 / u^2 is - 1 / u. We substitute u = t+7 to get du = dt; limits t = 1 and t = 3 become u = 8 and u = 10. So the integral becomes int( u^-2, u, 8, 10). Antiderivative can be -u^-1 or -1/u. So definite integral is -1/10 - (-1/8) = 1/8 - 1/10 = 1/40. **
04:13:42 What did you get for the definite integral?
RESPONSE --> with a 'dt of .5 I got a decrepancy of .3 by subtracting riemann sums for the definatte integral. t y 1 49.5 1.5 49.3 2.0 49.2 2.5 49.2
04:14:31 What antiderivative did you use?
RESPONSE --> The one found by working the derivative backwards.
04:15:08 What is the value of your antiderivative at t = 1 and at t = 3?
RESPONSE --> 49.5 at t=1 and 49.2 at t=3
04:15:48 query 7.1.86. World population P(t) = 5.3 e^(0.014 t).
RESPONSE --> okay
04:18:37 What were the populations in 1990 and 2000?
RESPONSE --> 1990 = 6.66 * 10 ^12 2000= 7.66 * 10^12
04:20:26 What is the average population between during the 1990's and how did you find it?
RESPONSE --> the average is 7.16* 10^12.
04:26:27 What is the value of your antiderivative at t = 1 and at t = 3?
RESPONSE --> at t = 1= 3.37 at t=3= 16.12 My antiderivative ended up being 5.3t e^(.014t) (.014T)
04:27:41 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> Is there a difference between the antiderivative and the indefinate integral? if so what is it?