course Mth 174 Test 1 should be in the mail no later than Tuesday Physics II02-14-2008
14:57:21 Query problem 7.5.13 (3d edition #10) graph concave DOWN and decreasing (note changes indicated by CAPS)
RESPONSE --> -> questions
14:58:31 list the approximations and their rules in order, from least to greatest
RESPONSE --> For concave down: RIGHT < TRAP < EXACT < MID < LEFT
14:58:48 between which approximations does the actual integral lie?
RESPONSE --> Between TRAP and MID
15:01:50 Explain your reasoning
RESPONSE --> By using the rules for aproixmating intervals on pg 341 -2. Concave down: TRAP< MID RIGHT < LEFT RIGHT < TRAP < LEFT
15:02:36 if you have not done so explain why when a function is concave down the trapezoidal rule UNDERestimates the integral
RESPONSE --> Because the curve in the graph is concave down so it rises above the trapazoid line on an interval.
15:04:04 if you have not done so explain why when a function is concave down the midpoint rule OVERrestimates the integral
RESPONSE --> Because the midpoint touches and makes a tangent to the highest part of the curve, on the interval while the graph continues down.
15:04:19 Query NOTE: this problem has been left out of the new edition of the text, which is a real shame; you can skip on to the next problem (was problem 7.5.18) graph positive, decreasing, concave upward over interval 0 < x < h
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:04:26 why is the area of the trapezoid h (L1 + L2) / 2?
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:04:35 Describe how you sketched the area E = h * f(0)
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:04:39 Describe how you sketched the area F = h * f(h)
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:04:43 Describe how you sketched the area R = h*f(h/2)
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:04:46 Describe how you sketched the area C = h * [ f(0) + f(h) ] / 2
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:04:49 Describe how you sketched the area N = h/2 * [ f(0) + f(h/2) ] / 2 + h/2 * [ f(h/2) } f(h) ] / 2
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:04:52 why is C = ( E + F ) / 2?
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:04:55 Why is N = ( R + C ) / 2?
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:04:57 Is E or F the better approximation to the area?
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:05:00 Is R or C the better approximation to the area?
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:05:11 query problem 7.5.24 show trap(n) = left(n) + 1/2 ( f(b) - f(a) ) `dx
RESPONSE --> -> problem
15:05:21 Explain why the equation must hold.
RESPONSE --> Because the (f(b) - f(a)) 'dx cancells out the difference between RIGHT and LEFT
15:05:31 In terms of a graph describe how trap(n) differs from left(n) and what this difference has to do with f(b) - f(a).
RESPONSE --> TRAP is the mid point between LEFT and RIGHT, which I'm going to is (f(b) -f(a)) 'dx, because it makes the difference between RIGHT and LEFT.