course Mth 174 Sorry for the lateness of this assignment and #8 which should be in within the next few hours. To get back on track I will do 9&10 next week and then 11&12 togther in one week. I have an uncanny knack for spreading myself to thin... It's like when your out of peanut butter and still try and get the stuff off the lid to make a sandwich, you might as well have just eaten the bread. Also a question that has come up that you may be able to answer:After watching Cosmos and a Steven Hawking special about the information paradox. (black holes send information to parallel universes, it isn't destoyed because it is imprinted on matter which can't be destoyed, only scambled.) Since everything can be described mathematically, it seems that most of all formulas or equations are derived from another, a combination of basic functions, or are represented by a physical process. When we create new formulas they are derived from something we already know, so in a sense we already know everything that we ever will, we just further break it down to try and understand it. So how can new things come about? 02-27-2008
11:27:20 query problem 7.6.6 approx using n=10 is 2.346; exact is 4.0. What is n = 30 approximation if original approx used LEFT, TRAP, SIMP?
RESPONSE --> ->question
11:40:15 If the approximation used LEFT then what is your estimate of the n = 30 approximation and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> Since we are increasing n by a factor of 3 and we need to increase by a factor of 10 in order to achieve another digit of accuracy by using only 3 we will acieve only 1/3 of a digit of accuracy so .3 closer than the prevous ""guess"". 2.646 This seems to go along with the theory to me... Although I'm somewhat confused due to that lack of what we're trying to integrate.
11:44:28 If the approximation used TRAP then what is your estimate of the n = 30 approximation and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> with the trapazoid, by increasing n by a factor of three we get a higher accuracy of 3^2 or 9 which is equilvilant to getting .9 closer and almost adding another unit of accuracy. 3.246
11:53:07 If the approximation used SIMP then what is your estimate of the n = 30 approximation and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> since we are using Simpsons rule and increasing n by a factor of 3 then we increase our accuracy by a factor of 3^4. 81 which is almost 2 digits of accuracy. 3.98
11:53:23 This problem has been omitted from the present edition and may be skipped: query problem 7.6.10 If TRAP(10) = 12.676 and TRAP(30) = 10.420, estimate the actual value of the integral.
RESPONSE --> -> skipping
11:53:32 What is your estimate of the actual value and how did you get it?
11:53:46 a < b, m = (a+b)/2. If f quadratic then int(f(x),x,a,b) = h/3 ( f(a) / 2 + 2 f(m) + f(b) / 2).
RESPONSE --> ->.
11:53:52 How did you show that if f(x) = 1, the equation holds?
11:53:57 How did you show that if f(x) = x, the equation holds?
11:54:02 How did you show that if f(x) = x^2, the equation holds?
11:54:08 How did you use your preceding results to show that if f(x) = A x^2 + B x + c, the equation must therefore hold?
12:10:52 query problem 7.7.19 integrate 1 / (u^2-16) from 0 to 4 if convergent
RESPONSE --> -> questions
12:19:31 does your integral converge, and why or why not?
RESPONSE --> no because as u -> 4 we get extremely close to dividing by zero. If we divide 1 by an infintismall number then we get close to an infinate number, and therefor the integral doesn't converge it diverges.
12:19:40 If convergent what is your result?
RESPONSE --> it diverges
12:22:03 Why is there a question as to whether the integral does in fact converge?
RESPONSE --> because with a realitivly small n the numbers are ""normal"" sized and once we pass the u=4 then the integral is continuous again, it's just that on the limit defined here the continuity of the function is questionable near 4.
12:27:02 Give the steps in your solution.
RESPONSE --> By plugging in the numbers on the intreval with a n=1 we see that as we get closer to u=4 then we are given numbers closer to infinity. and thus the integral is divergent.
12:28:43 If you didn't give it, give the expression whose limit showed whether the integral was convergent or divergent.
RESPONSE --> 1 / u^2 - 16 on the intreval if 0->4
12:29:27 query problem 7.7.44 (was #39) rate of infection r = 1000 t e^(-.5t)
RESPONSE --> ->questions
12:36:20 describe your graph, including asymptotes, concavity, increasing and decreasing behavior, zeros and intercepts
RESPONSE --> The graph begins very high on the Y axis and exponentially comes downward towards the x axis and becomes asymptoteic to the x axis. it is concave up.
12:39:36 when our people getting sick fastest and how did you obtain this result?
RESPONSE --> people get sick the fastest at the begining of the epidemic this is found by graphing the function and also evauluating the function for t=1 and t=100 and comparing the difference.
12:43:37 How many people get sick and how did you obtain this result?
RESPONSE --> The number of people that get sick would be the area under the graph, for a inteval of 1 day (t= 1->2) we get an area of 671, or 671 people are infected.
12:47:33 What improper integral arose in your solution and, if you have not already explained it, explain in detail how you evaluated the integral.
RESPONSE --> I used the given equation which gave the number of people that got sick per day of epidemic.
12:49:07 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> I understand how Simpsons rule works and finding the convergent / divergent integrals is very similar to finding limits. It's not what it is exactly at a point but what happens as we apporoach that point.