course Mth 174 hysics II03-17-2008
16:18:46 Query 8.8.2 (3d edition 8.7.2) 8.7.2. Probability and More On Distributions, p. 421 daily catch density function piecewise linear (2,.08) to (6.,24) to (8,.12)
RESPONSE --> ->questions
16:29:27 what is the mean daily catch?
RESPONSE --> 3.733 tons of fish / day
16:32:30 What integral(s) did you perform to compute a mean daily catch?
RESPONSE --> (2*.08) + (6*.24) + (8 *.12) / 3 = 3.8 since each day was only a fraction of a day it needed to be multiplyed by the time frame to account for it not being a full day.
16:34:32 What does this integral have to do with the moment integrals calculated in Section 8.3?
RESPONSE --> It is the the same as calculating density because it is a density function and we are trying to calculate the average density. Where as before we were calculating the mass.
16:42:29 Query 8.8.13 (3d edition 8.7.13). Probability and More On Distributions, p. 423 cos t, 0
RESPONSE --> ->questions
16:45:04 which function might best represent the probability for the time the next customer walks in?
RESPONSE --> B- because as t moves away from 0 the probability desity goes down that someone else will enter at that second.
16:53:33 for each of the given functions, explain why it is either appropriate or inappropriate to the situation?
RESPONSE --> A- this doesn't have a smooth change, it is the same then jumps up with the expnential function. B- Is corect, it represents the bell shape of distribution to what were looking for. C- This function is close but is very steep comparitivly to the B function. D- this is a constant and wouldn't work because we're looking for a changing function.
16:54:40 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> Applying the integral to some real things is much easier to understand than just the theories.