course Mth174

Physics II03-18-2008



Query problem 9.2.8 (3d editin 9.1.6) (was 9.4.6) first term and ratio for y^2 + y^3 + y^4 + ...







either explain why the series is not geometric or give its first term and common ratio



The common ratio of the series is Q(n) = Y(n+1) where the first term Q(1) = Y^2

The sum of a geometric series can be expressed in a number of different ways.

Your text says that a + a x + a x^2 + ... sums to a / (1 - x). If you use this form then the series must start with constant number a.

An alternative statement is even more restrictive:

1 + x + x^2 + ... = 1 / (1 - x).

Of course this is the same as the preceding form, just dividing through by the non-zero constant a.

You could express this series as

y^2 ( 1 + y + y^2 + ...), in which case you would use a = y^2 and get the result

a / (1 - y) = y^2 / (1 - y).

Alternatively you could just say that since the expression 1 + y + y^2 + ... is 1 / (1 – y), then y^2 ( 1 + y + y^2 + ...) = y^2 / (1 - y).




how do you get the common ratio?



I noticed the pattern in the series, and used that pettern to mad future terms




what do you get when you factor out y^2? How does this help you determine the first term?



I used this to find the formula for calculating the formula




Query problem 9.2.29 (3d edition 9.1.24) (was 9.4.24) bouncing ball 3/4 ht ratio







how do you verify that the ball stops bouncing after 1/4 `sqrt(10) + 1/2 `sqrt(10) `sqrt(3/2) (1 / (1-`sqrt(3/4)) sec?



since we know that the ball bounces back up 3/4 of the way. And that it takes 1/4sqrt'(H) seconds to reach the ground again, we can take the equation for the height of a ball after a bounce and plug that in for H.

** If the ball starts from height h, it falls to the floor then bounces up to 3/4 of its original height then back down, covering distance 3/2 h on its first complete bounce. Then it bounces to 3/4 of that height, covering in the round trip a distance of 3/4 ( 3/2 h). Then it bounces to 3/4 of that height, covering in the round trip a distance of 3/4 [ 3/4 ( 3/2 h) ] = (3/4)^2 * (3/2 h). On the next bounce the round trip will be 3/4 of this, or (3/4)^3 * (3/2 h). All the bounces give us a distance of (3/4) * (3/2 h) + (3/4)^2 * (3/2 h) + (3/4)^3 * (3/2 h) + ... = [ 3/4 ( 3/2 h) ] * ( 1 + 3/4 + (3/4)^2 + ... ) = [9/8 h] * ( 1 + 3/4 + (3/4)^2 + ... ) = (9/8 h) ( 1 / ( 1 - 3/4) ) = 9/2 h. There is also the initial drop h, so the total distance is 11/2 h. But this isn't the question. The question is how long it takes the ball to stop.

The time to fall distance y is ( 2 * y / g ) ^ .5, where g is the acceleration of gravity. This is also the time required to bounce up to height h. The distances of fall for the complete round-trip bounces are 3/4 h, (3/4)^2 h, (3/4)^3 h, etc.. So the times of fall are ( 2 * 3/4 h / g ) ^ .5, ( 2 * (3/4)^2 h / g ) ^ .5, ( 2 * (3/4)^3 h / g ) ^ .5, ( 2 * (3/4)^4 h / g ) ^ .5, etc.. The times for the ‘complete’ round-trip bounces will be double these times; the total time of fall will also include the time sqrt( 2 h / g) for the first drop.

We can factor the ( 3/4 ) ^ .5 out of each expression, getting times of fall (3/4)^.5 * ( 2 * h / g ) ^ .5 = `sqrt(3)/2 * ( 2 * h / g ) ^ .5, ( sqrt(3)/2 ) ^ 2 * ( 2 * h / g ) ^ .5, ( sqrt(3)/2 ) ^ 3 * ( 2 * h / g ) ^ .5, etc..

Adding these terms up, multiplying by 2 since the ball has to go up and down on each bounce, and factoring out the (2 * h / g ) ^ .5 we get 2 * (2 * h / g ) ^ .5 * [ ( sqrt(3)/2 ) + ( sqrt(3)/2 ) ^ 2 + ( sqrt(3)/2 ) ^ 3 + ( sqrt(3)/2 ) ^ 4 + ... ] .

The expression in brackets is a geometric series with r = ( sqrt(3)/2 ), so the sum of the series is 1 / ( 1 - ( sqrt(3)/2 ) )

h and g are given by the problem so 2 * (2 * h / g ) ^ .5 is just a number, easily calculated for any given h and g.

We also add on the time to fall to the floor after the drop, obtaining total time sqrt(2 h / g) + 2 * (2 h / g)^.5 (1 / (1 – sqrt(3)/2) ). Rationalizing the last fraction and factoring out sqrt(2 h / g) we have

sqrt(2 h / g) * ( 1 + 2 * (4 + 2 sqrt(3) ) = sqrt(2 h / g ) ( 9 + 4 sqrt( 3) ).**




What geometric series gives the time and how does this geometric series yield the above result?



the given series in the book starting from 10 and progressing down untill the ball stops.




How far does the ball travel on the nth bounce?



the ball travels 10(3/4)^n




How long does it takes a ball to complete the nth bounce?



1/4sqrt'( 10(3/4)^n)




Query 9.2.21 (was p 481 #6) convergence of 1 + 1/5 + 1/9 + 1/13 + ...



My book did not have this problem but I will attempt to answer as best I can...




with what integral need you compare the sequence and did it converged or diverge?



for every term the denominator increases by 4 so:

sumason from n=1 -> n(1/(1+4^n))

The sequence would eventually converge to a point because eventually you would be adding such an intismall number to the pointof convergence that it would not be very easy to tell.

Good try, but the key to the denominator is 4 * n, which takes values 4, 8, 12, ... ; when you add 1 you get 4 n + 1, which gives you the denominators 5, 9, 13, ... . The basic strategy is that since the sequence behaves basically like 1 / (4 n), the basis for comparison would be the function 1 / (4 x), which when integrated from x = 1 to infinity diverges.

4^n would take values 4, 16, 64, 256, ...

*&*& The denominators are 1, 5, 9, 13, ... . These numbers increase by 4 each time, which means that we must include 4 n in the expression for the general term. For n = 1, 2, 3, ..., we would have 4 n = 4, 8, 12, ... . To get 1, 5, 9, ... we just subtract 3 from these numbers, so the general term is 4 n - 3. For n = 1, 2, 3, ... this gives us 1, 5, 9, ... .

So the sum is sum( 1 / ( 4n - 3), n, 1, infinity).

Knowing that the integral of 1 / (4 x) diverges we set up the rectangles so they all lie above the y = 1 / (4x) curve. Since 1 / (4n - 3) > 1 / (4 n) we see that positioning the n = 1 rectangle between x = 1 and x = 2, then the n = 2 rectangle bewteen x = 2 and x = 3, etc., gives us a series of rectangles that lie above the y = 1 / (4x) curve for x > 1.

Since an antiderivative of 1 / (4x) is 1/4 ln | x |, which as x -> infinity approaches infinity, the region beneath the curve has divergent area. Since the rectangles lie above the curve their area also diverges. Since the area of the rectangles represents the sum of the series, the series diverges. *&*&




Explain in terms of a graph how you set up rectangles to represent the series, and how you oriented these rectangles with respect to the graph of your function in order to prove your result.



I didn't graph mine I tried to figure out the pattern and base a formula fromthat.
