question form


Phy 201

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Course Guidance

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Professor Smith,

I have had a hard time keeping up with the assignments due in part to a recent death in the family, and also some of my time dedicated to another course this summer. I was initially submitting all documents in each Assignment (including seed questions and other problem sets), but now I do not have enough time to submit every document listed. However, I am still reading over these seed questions and other problem sets to make sure I understand them, but I am not taking the time to type in my answers and submit them to you.

Per the syllabus, am I correct in understanding that the only mandatory documents to submit (counting toward my portfolio grade) are the qa's, labs, random problems and queries for each Assignment?

Please correct me if I am wrong, and if not, only submitting these documents will be my future course of action if that is acceptable to you.

Thank you for your guidance,


It is unlikely to affect your grade as long as you submit qa's, queries and especially labs.

It could affect your preparation, but you appear to be doing quite well and that might not be the case.

After the Major Quiz, ask me and I can advise you further about additional ways to reduce the time burden.
